The psychological impact of hanging witches upside down

By admin

In medieval times, witch trials were a common occurrence. One particularly gruesome method of execution was the witch hanging upside down. This method involved tying the accused witch's feet or ankles to a tree branch or other elevated structure, suspending them upside down in the air. The idea behind this form of punishment was that being hung upside down would disrupt the witch's magical powers and make them easier to capture and subdue. The practice of hanging witches upside down had several purposes. Firstly, it was believed that gravity would work against the witch, causing their powers to weaken.

Weaknesses: Light and Holy Magic.

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Firstly, it was believed that gravity would work against the witch, causing their powers to weaken. This was based on the belief that witches drew their power from the devil, and by being as far away from the Earth as possible, their connection to demonic forces would be disrupted. Secondly, it was thought that hanging upside down would disorient the witch and make it easier for authorities to extract confessions or information about other alleged witches.


I've been studying and practicing aerokinesis since it was my born gift.

But any ideas on how to improve my skills at aerokinesis.

Any help would be appreicated.

Please post comments down.

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By: Kikuyo
Post # 2
Jan 24, 2010

Practice with things you can see, like:

- take a windchime inside, see if you can get it to make noise
- try blowing light things, like feathers or paper scraps off a table.

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By: summonmagic
Post # 3
Jan 24, 2010

I usually can't make wind inside,but I'm sure I made wind outside cuz the wind suddenly blew hard and formed a shield around me kinda. Idk how to make wind inside.

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By: Kikuyo
Post # 4
Jan 24, 2010

Well I would attribute the outside wind to Nature; you prabably had a case of good timing. Practice inside so that you know it's for real, as it is easy to trick yourself outside.

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By: summonmagic
Post # 5
Jan 26, 2010

But I asked somebody why can't I make wind inside.They said I wasn't good enough yet. But I'm very super sure I can make wind,but it's easier to call up wind when I'm mad for some reason. BUT BUT if I'm not aerokinesis,then any suggestion to get that gift?(But I'm sure I already have it).

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By: Green_Wizard
Post # 6
Jan 27, 2010

Aerokinesis it usually derived from the negative energies in the air, to make the wind. So having negative emotions would have that sort of influence on the wind.

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By: summonmagic
Post # 7
Jan 28, 2010

So aerokinesis works better when you're mad,I didn't know that.

I thought wind represents peace

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By: flowernature
Post # 8
Jan 28, 2010 Summonmagic,you have a born gift. Login or Signup to reply to this post. Re: Aerokinesis
By: Nevermore27
Post # 9
Jan 28, 2010

The problem with doing anything having to do with control of the elements outside is, while having it work gives you a great boost of confidence, as Kikuyo mentioned, it can easily be attributed to nature.

Try it inside. Concentrate and do the same things as you would outside. You will have a better awareness of it it's YOU creating the wind, or Mother Nature herself.

Be aware of your surroundings too. I once made a candle flame go out and got really excited. until I noticed my ceiling fan was on =(

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By: summonmagic
Post # 10
Jan 29, 2010

I hope I can prove myself by making wind indoors.

But I made the wind 3 times larger outside.o.o

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Witch hanging upside down

This form of punishment was also meant to serve as a public spectacle. By publicly displaying a witch being hung upside down, authorities hoped to deter others from engaging in witchcraft or any type of occult activity. It was a way of sending a strong message to the community about the consequences of dabbling in the supernatural. Despite the belief in its effectiveness, the practice of hanging witches upside down was incredibly cruel and inhumane. Many accused witches died as a result of the physical strain and pain inflicted upon them during this form of punishment. It was a torturous method of execution that demonstrated society's fear and paranoia surrounding witchcraft. Fortunately, as society became more enlightened, the witch trials and cruel methods of execution eventually came to an end. Today, we look back on these dark times as a reminder of the dangers of mass hysteria and the importance of a fair and just legal system. The witch hanging upside down serves as a stark reminder of the extremes that fear and superstition can drive people to, and the importance of protecting the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their beliefs..

Reviews for "The Witch's perspective: what it was like to be hanged upside down"

1. Jessica - 2 stars
I was really disappointed with "Witch hanging upside down". The storyline felt disjointed and the characters lacked depth. The concept of a witch hanging upside down seemed intriguing, but it was portrayed in such a confusing and ineffective manner. The execution of the film was messy and left me questioning the purpose and message behind it. Overall, I found it to be a frustrating and unsatisfying viewing experience.
2. Mark - 1 star
" Witch hanging upside down" was a complete waste of time. I couldn't connect with any of the characters and the plot was non-existent. It felt like a series of random scenes put together without any thought or direction. The whole concept of a witch hanging upside down was not explored or explained adequately, leaving me confused and disinterested throughout the entire film. I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
3. Sarah - 2.5 stars
I had high expectations for "Witch hanging upside down", but it ultimately fell short for me. The concept was unique and had potential, but the execution was lacking. The pacing was incredibly slow, and there were numerous unnecessary scenes that added nothing to the overall story. Additionally, the acting felt forced and unnatural, making it difficult for me to become emotionally invested in the characters. While there were a few visually striking moments, the movie as a whole left me underwhelmed.
4. John - 2 stars
I found "Witch hanging upside down" to be quite confusing and incoherent. The film jumped between different time periods and locations without any clear transitions, making it difficult to follow along. The symbolism and themes were also muddled, leaving me unsure of what the director was trying to convey. While I appreciate abstract storytelling, this movie felt more like a jumbled mess rather than a thought-provoking piece. Overall, it was a frustrating and disappointing experience.

Exploring the cultural significance of witches hanging upside down

Reevaluating the historical records: were witches really hanged upside down?