Connecting with Ancestors: Pagan Traditions and Ancestral Honoring during the Summer Solstice

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The summer solstice is an important event for pagans, as it marks the longest day of the year and the official start of summer. In 2023, the summer solstice will occur on June 21st. Paganism is a broad term that encompasses various spiritual beliefs and practices, often rooted in nature worship and reverence for the Earth. For many pagans, the summer solstice is a time to honor the power of the Sun and its life-giving energy. One common pagan ritual associated with the summer solstice is the lighting of bonfires. These fires are believed to represent the Sun's energy and are thought to bring good fortune and protection.

The Kennedy Curse: A Timeline of Tragedy

The Kennedy Family photographed at Hyannis Port in September 1931. L-R: Robert Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Eunice Kennedy, Jean Kennedy (on lap of) Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (who was pregnant with Edward "Ted" Kennedy at time of this photo), Patricia Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. (behind) Rosemary Kennedy.

Image Credit: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library / Public Domain

From plane crashes to assassinations, overdoses to terrible illness, the Kennedy family, America’s most famous political dynasty, has been struck by a whole host of devastating tragedies over the years. After a car crash in 1969, Ted Kennedy, who had by this point lost 4 of his siblings prematurely, wondered if “some awful curse did actually hang over all the Kennedys”.

The sheer number of tragic illnesses and deaths involving the family has led many to deem them ‘cursed’ in some respect. The tragedies suffered by the Kennedys, combined with their glamour, ambition and power, has captured the imagination of people across the world for well over half a century.

We’ve rounded up a timeline of the most notable examples of the so-called Kennedy ‘curse’ below.

These fires are believed to represent the Sun's energy and are thought to bring good fortune and protection. People gather around the bonfires, singing and dancing, and may even jump over the flames as a symbolic act of purification and renewal. Another significant aspect of the summer solstice for pagans is the concept of balance.

1941: Rosemary Kennedy lobotomised

Rosemary Kennedy, sister to John F. Kennedy and the eldest Kennedy daughter, was thought to have suffered from a lack of oxygen at birth. As she grew up, she failed to hit the same developmental milestones as other children her age. Her family sent her to schools for the ‘intellectually disabled’ and ensured she had extra time and attention spent on her.

As she reached her early 20s, Rosemary began to experience violent mood swings and fits, making her mental illness much harder to hide. Her father, Joseph Kennedy Sr., decided to subject Rosemary to an experimental new procedure, a lobotomy, choosing not to inform his family until after it was complete.

The lobotomy was botched, leaving Rosemary with the intellectual capabilities of a 2-year-old and taking away her ability to walk and talk. She spent the rest of her life cared for in private institutions, hidden away and discussed in the vaguest of terms as her family believed knowledge of her mental illness could prove damaging for their political ambitions.

From left to right: Kathleen, Rose and Rosemary Kennedy on their way to be presented at court in 1938, several years before Rosemary’s lobotomy.

Image Credit: Keystone Press / Alamy Stock Photo

Summer solstuce 2023 pagan

The solstice is a time when the Sun reaches its peak of power, but it also marks the turning point where the days start to become shorter. This balance between light and dark is seen as a metaphor for the cycles of life and the changing seasons. In addition to fire rituals, pagans may also engage in other activities to celebrate the summer solstice. These can include going on nature walks, practicing meditation or yoga in the outdoors, creating flower crowns or other seasonal crafts, and performing divination or spellwork related to abundance and manifestation. It is important to note that paganism is a diverse and individualistic spiritual path, and not all pagans celebrate the summer solstice in the same way. Some may adhere to specific traditions or customs passed down through generations, while others may create their own unique rituals based on personal beliefs and experiences. Overall, the summer solstice holds great significance for pagans, symbolizing the power of the Sun and the abundant energy of the natural world. It is a time to honor the cycles of life, celebrate the warmth and light of summer, and connect with the natural rhythms of the Earth..

Reviews for "Pagan Tales and Folklore: Exploring Mythology and Legends of the Summer Solstice"

1. Jane - 2 stars
I was really disappointed with the Summer Solstice 2023 Pagan event. The organizers promised a unique and immersive experience, but it fell short of my expectations. The venue was overcrowded, making it impossible to fully enjoy the activities. The workshops and rituals felt rushed and lacked depth. Overall, it seemed like the event was more about making money rather than creating a meaningful pagan celebration. I would not recommend attending this event in the future.
2. Mike - 1 star
Summer Solstice 2023 Pagan was a complete letdown. The organization was chaotic, with long lines and poor communication among the staff. The workshops were disorganized and lacked structure, making it hard to follow along. The vendors were limited, offering overpriced items that were not worth the money. I expected a magical and spiritual experience, but instead, I left feeling drained and disappointed. Save your time and money, and find a better pagan event to attend.
3. Sarah - 2.5 stars
I had mixed feelings about the Summer Solstice 2023 Pagan event. While there were some enjoyable aspects, overall, it failed to meet my expectations. The schedule was poorly planned, with overlapping workshops and activities, making it difficult to participate fully. The atmosphere lacked the energy and enthusiasm I was hoping for, and it felt more like a commercial gathering rather than a genuine pagan celebration. The event had potential, but it needs significant improvements to live up to its promises.
4. Jason - 1 star
Summer Solstice 2023 Pagan was a disaster. The location was poorly chosen, with limited space and uncomfortable seating arrangements. The workshops were a joke, lacking substance and depth. The presenters seemed unprepared and unenthusiastic. It was evident that the event was poorly organized, with long waiting times and confusion among the attendees. I left feeling frustrated and ripped off. This event was a waste of time and money, and I would not recommend it to anyone.

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