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Black magic spells, also known as black magic clippes, are powerful and mystical practices that have been around for centuries. They involve the use of supernatural forces to manipulate or harm others. These spells are often associated with negative intentions and outcomes. They are believed to be used to bring harm, misfortune, illness, or death upon another person. Black magic clippes can be performed in various ways, including the use of rituals, chants, potions, and objects. It is said that those who practice black magic clippes make pacts with dark entities or spirits.

Yggdrasil divination pack

It is said that those who practice black magic clippes make pacts with dark entities or spirits. These entities are believed to provide them with the power and knowledge to carry out their desired outcomes. However, using black magic spells comes with great risks, as it is said to bring negative karma and consequences to the person performing them.

Yggdrasil: Norse Divination Cards

Based on the powerful mythology of the Norse, this 81 card divination deck brings the wisdom of the ancients into your life. Intricate pen and ink drawings are soulful representations of the Eddas, the stunning written accounts of the legends of old.

These cards along with the informative guidebook , are designed to be used for divination, guidance, and spiritual connection.

Created by a renowned artisit and long-time participate of the heathen revival, Haukur Halldórsson and his daughter Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir, this kit is a welcome addition to those who desire to work more deeply with the Nordic pantheon.

About the Author - Haukur Halldórsson and his daughter Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir are Icelandic artists living and working between Iceland, Denmark and Germany. Both adhere to heathenry, or Asatru, as viewed by the Icelandic Asatru community. Halldórsson is one of the original members active in reviving the traditional Nordic mythology of Iceland in the seventies and has devoted his art to Nordic and Northern European mythologies and folklore. Hauksdóttir grew up in heathendom, surrounded by folkloric illustrations, stories, poems and nature.

For the Yggdrasil deck , father and daughter come/came together with illustrations and their readings to enable the deciphering of the message of the mythologies and folklore and to make it accessible for readers.

Published - July 2019

81 cards with 216 pp. guidebook.

Boxed set measures - 12.07 x 5.72 x 19.69 cm

Phenderix elements

Black magic clippes are deeply rooted in various cultures and mythologies around the world. The belief in such spells is strong, especially in societies where superstitions are prevalent. People often consult practitioners of black magic to seek revenge, power, or control over others. While some may dismiss black magic clippes as mere superstition or folklore, others take them very seriously. The practice of black magic is often surrounded by secrecy and taboo due to its association with dark forces and harmful intent. It is essential to note that the ethical implications of using black magic clippes are highly debatable. Many argue that these practices infringe upon personal freedom and violate the principles of love, kindness, and compassion. The manipulation and harm caused by black magic spells can have severe psychological and emotional consequences for the intended target. In some cases, black magic clippes have been used to exploit vulnerable individuals, particularly those who believe in their power and are easily swayed by superstitions. Such practices can cause lasting damage to the victims and perpetuate fear and mistrust in society. In conclusion, black magic clippes are a complex and controversial topic. They involve using supernatural forces and rituals to manipulate or harm others. While some dismiss them as mere superstitions, others take them seriously. The ethical implications of using black magic spells raise questions about personal freedom, compassion, and the well-being of individuals involved. It is essential to approach this topic with an open mind and consider the potential consequences and risks associated with such practices..

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