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The pagan fall equinox, also known as Mabon, is a celebration that takes place around September 21st each year. It marks the midpoint between the summer solstice and the winter solstice. During this time, pagans give thanks for the abundance of the harvest season and prepare for the upcoming winter months. The name "Mabon" comes from Welsh mythology, where it is believed to be the name of a deity associated with music, wisdom, and light. One of the main themes of the fall equinox is the balance between light and darkness. As the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, pagans reflect on the importance of finding balance in their own lives.

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As the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, pagans reflect on the importance of finding balance in their own lives. This can include finding a balance between work and leisure, or balancing the different aspects of one's personality. Mabon is often celebrated with outdoor rituals and feasts that center around the harvest.

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Pagans may gather in nature or in their own gardens to give thanks for the abundance of fruits, vegetables, and other crops that have been harvested. This celebration is a way to honor the Earth and the cycles of nature. Symbolically, Mabon is associated with the color orange, which represents the changing leaves and the harvest. It is also associated with apples, corn, and other fall foods. In addition to giving thanks for the harvest, pagans may also use this time of year for reflection and introspection. They may take stock of their personal growth and set intentions for the coming months. Overall, the pagan fall equinox, or Mabon, is a time of celebration, gratitude, and reflection. It is a reminder to find balance in our lives and to honor the abundance of the Earth..

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