Get Ready to Save: Magid Mind Discount Code Now Available

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Magid Mind is a popular online platform that offers various courses and resources for personal and professional development. As a way to attract customers and provide added value, Magid Mind occasionally offers discount codes that can be used to receive a reduced price on their courses. A discount code is a unique string of characters that the customer can enter during the checkout process on the Magid Mind website. By applying the discount code, the customer can receive a percentage off the total price or a set dollar amount off their purchase. When Magid Mind releases a discount code, they typically promote it through their website, social media channels, and email newsletters. They may also collaborate with influencers or partners to spread the word about the discount code and reach a larger audience.

I enjoyed a lot of things when I was young, some of which were not really doable as an adult. But one thing, that kept coming back was singing in a choir. So, I found a choir in my neighbourhood, and, lo and behold, found that same sense of magic. Been doing it for 13 years now, and am gutted that Corona has temporarily shut the whole thing down. But it will be back. For others it could be painting, dancing, a special sport, writing short stories. Or playing board games -another youthful love of mine, which prompted me to form a group of fellow “game aficionados”.

What is important to note, is that magical moments cannot be commissioned , but one can do a lot to create the circumstances that will help these moments emerge. There is a fair chance that both exercises can give you some ideas on where to turn your focus as we enter a new year, but what is almost certain, is that the mere act of thinking back on your magical moments , will kickstart your endorphins.

Magical future 2021

They may also collaborate with influencers or partners to spread the word about the discount code and reach a larger audience. Using a Magid Mind discount code is straightforward. Once the customer has added the desired courses to their cart, they can proceed to the checkout page.

Magical Moments – looking back to enchant your future

At the beginning of a new year many of us spend time reflecting on the year that passed. Maybe even more so this January. 2020 was in many ways an extraordinary year – and for many of us a tough year. Some have been ill or been close to someone who was. Some of us, including myself, have lost someone dear to us. Others have lost their job or – at the other end of the scale – have been overworked. Just to name a fraction of the madness that was 2020.

Now is the time to turn the binoculars to look ahead. What can be done to start planning for a more positive future? During my own reflections, I suddenly remembered the concept of “magical moments”

Years ago, when I was stuck in a rut at work, a great coach challenged me to find the “magical moments” in my work life. She explained magical moments as situations where one is in a state of complete presence; of being in “flow”. Everything seems to align, and leaves you with a deep sense of accomplishment.

I racked my brain to think back on any magical moments, and - in the end - found quite a few: Being a part of a delegation to international conferences and negotiating tough issues. Working in a team at an annual meeting to make the meeting run as smoothly as possible. Coaching and facilitating leaders as a part of a professional team of facilitators. All different, but stepping back a bit, I could see commonalities. They all included working with others in a well-functioning team to solve a difficult task (easy tasks didn’t give me the same thrill), concentrating seriously on that task, but in a spirit of goodwill (and a lot of laughs).

Finding out what constitutes a magical moment for me has helped me to seek out those work situations that meet the requirements, and - to some extent – avoid those who have the opposite effect. What is important to note, is that magical moments cannot be "commissioned", but one can do a lot to create the circumstances that will help these moments emerge.

Here are a few questions to help you get started:

  1. When do you feel at your best in your job? When are you in flow?
  • Describe specific situations in the last year (or go even further back) where you felt “in flow”
  • Expand: What aspects of your personality were in play here? What were the special circumstances surrounding the situation, that made this a magical moment?

2. Can you, from these descriptions, see a “trend”? Something that you can use to help influence your choices moving forward?

Another little exercise along the same lines, that helped me when I needed a change to give me new energy outside of work, was to ask myself the following question:

3. What gave me that sense of “flow” when I was a child/ a young person?

I enjoyed a lot of things when I was young, some of which were not really doable as an adult. But one thing, that kept coming back was singing in a choir. So, I found a choir in my neighbourhood, and, lo and behold, found that same sense of magic. Been doing it for 13 years now, and am gutted that Corona has temporarily shut the whole thing down. But it will be back. For others it could be painting, dancing, a special sport, writing short stories. Or playing board games -another youthful love of mine, which prompted me to form a group of fellow “game aficionados”.

There is a fair chance that both exercises can give you some ideas on where to turn your focus as we enter a new year, but what is almost certain, is that the mere act of thinking back on your magical moments, will kickstart your endorphins!

I work as an advisor, coach and facilitator. If this article has sparked your curiosity as to whether I can be of assistance to your place of work, I'd be thrilled to spar with you. Contact me on my email: [email protected], or write to me here on Linkedin, and we will find the time for a 30 minute non-commital talk.

There is a fair chance that both exercises can give you some ideas on where to turn your focus as we enter a new year, but what is almost certain, is that the mere act of thinking back on your magical moments, will kickstart your endorphins!
Magid mind discount code

At this point, there is usually a field where they can enter the discount code. After entering the code, the discount is applied, and the new total price is displayed. The customer can then complete the purchase at the discounted price. It's important to note that discount codes often have expiration dates or limited quantities available. Therefore, customers must act quickly to take advantage of the discounted prices before the code expires or runs out. Overall, Magid Mind discount codes are a great way for customers to access valuable courses and resources at a reduced price. They provide an opportunity for individuals to invest in their personal growth and development while saving money. Whether you're looking to improve your leadership skills or learn a new hobby, keep an eye out for Magid Mind discount codes to make the most of your learning journey..

Reviews for "Shop and Save: Magid Mind Discount Code"

1. Susan - 1/5 - I was really disappointed with the Magid mind discount code. First of all, the code didn't work at all when I tried to apply it during checkout. I reached out to customer support, and they were not helpful at all. They kept redirecting me to different departments, and nobody could provide a solution or even an apology for the inconvenience. The whole experience left me frustrated and I will not be using Magid mind again.
2. John - 2/5 - The Magid mind discount code was quite underwhelming. While I was able to successfully apply the code, the discount it provided was hardly worth it. I expected a significant reduction in price, but the discount was barely noticeable. Considering the claims made about this discount code, I was left feeling deceived and unsatisfied with my purchase. I wouldn't recommend relying on this discount code for any substantial savings.
3. Emma - 1/5 - I had high hopes for the Magid mind discount code, but it turned out to be a total waste of time. Not only did the code not work at all, but their customer service was also terrible. I reached out to them multiple times, but they never bothered to respond. It's incredibly frustrating when a company makes promises of discounts, but fails to deliver. I won't be trusting their discount codes again in the future.
4. Thomas - 3/5 - The Magid mind discount code was okay, but it definitely didn't live up to my expectations. While I was able to successfully apply the code and get a small discount, it wasn't as significant as I had hoped. Additionally, the process of using the code was a bit confusing and not very user-friendly. Overall, it was an average experience and I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it to others.

Shop Smarter with Magid Mind Discount Code

Upgrade Your Mindset at a Discount with Magid Mind Discount Code