Add a Touch of Magic to Your Bedroom with a Unique Pillowcase Pattern

By admin

The magic pillowcase pattern is a popular sewing project that allows you to create a unique and functional pillowcase with a hidden seam. This clever design eliminates the need for hemming and provides a clean and professional finish. To create a magic pillowcase, you will need three different fabrics - one for the main body of the pillowcase, one for the cuff, and one for the accent trim. The main body fabric is typically a larger piece that will fold over to create the pillowcase, while the cuff and accent trim are smaller pieces that add visual interest. To begin, you will need to cut your fabric pieces to the appropriate dimensions. The measurements will vary depending on the size of your pillow, but a standard pillowcase is often around 20 inches wide and 30 inches long.

Wiccan Church of Canada

The Wiccan Church of Canada is one of the pioneering organizations of the modern Witchcraft movement in Canada. It was founded by two Wiccan priests, Tamara James and Richard F. James, who had their initial contacts with Neo-Paganism while in California in 1977. They moved to Toronto two years later, where they founded the Wiccan Church of Canada and opened an occult store that catered to Pagans and witches. By 1983 the community had grown to the point that an initial regional Pagan festival could be held. In 1984 the first of several covens formed within the church. It is the belief of the church that many of the important ultimate questions of life are unanswerable. Humans cannot know about the origin of the universe, the reality of life after death, or the mechanics of the miraculous. Thus, the religious answers that are given to such questions carry a large element of subjectivity. They must be held with some reserve and must not become the basis of intolerance and judgmental attitudes toward those who believe differently. Morality also falls into the same category. It is a human creation. However, the church believes that society has a right to organize and pass laws that protect individuals from violence and the land from outside forces. Its ignorance asserted, the church believes that the universe is self-aware, and that elements of that awareness have been differentiated as the deities. The number of deities is unknown. Awareness is genderless and individual deities may be either male or female. There is also an ordering among the deities and it is proper to speak of the greater and lesser deities. The Wiccan church follows primarily a European format with worship centered upon the eight annual festivals common to Pagans and also the small coven gatherings at the new and full moon (esbats ). The church also has its own rituals to designate important moments in the life cycle, from the naming ceremony for the new born (wiccaning) to the passing from this incarnation (funeral). It performs both weddings and handpartings (for couples that are separating). All of the priests and priestesses of the church constitute a ruling Priesthood Council. Their job is to train members and any new priests. The church is headquartered at 109 Vaughn Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M6C 2L9. Most of its several hundred members reside in Ontario. Its webpage may be found at


Hopman, Ellen Evert, and Lawrence Bond. People of the Earth: The New Pagans Speak Out. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1996. James, Richard. The WIC-CAN Handbook. Toronto: Wiccan Church of Canada, 1987. Rabinovotch, Shelley Tsivia. "The Institutionalization of the Wicca in Ontario via the Wiccan Church of Canada." Unpublished paper in the American Religion Collection, Davidson Library, University of California — Santa Barbara, 1991.

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Welcome is dedicated to recognizing and promoting Canadian Wiccan culture.

The traditions of Wicca that came originally from England have grown into a multitude of groups, artists, musicians, poets, academics, stores, and festivals across Canada celebrating the divine nature of the world. Some of this culture remains true and largely unchanged from its British roots, while other elements have grown into distinctly Canadian expressions. The exploration of Canadian Wiccan culture is a long path as varied as the climate, geography, and people that spans Canada from coast to coast.

Check in from day to day for new content or join the Facebook Homepage to receive updates of new content as it is added. To help find what you're looking for, information is organized into the following areas:

Forums - An open forum for all vistors to discuss topics such as news and current events, sabbats, divination, mythology, history, herbalism, Canadian Wiccan organizations, culture, and more from a Canadian perspective.
Articles - Articles by Canadian Wiccan authors, or articles about Canadian Wicca. Discover traditions of Wicca that are specific to Canada and read about the philosophy and practice of Wicca in Canada.
Festivals - A listing of Wiccan related festivals across Canada. If you are interested in attending or contacting a Wiccan festival, you may search by province or view the full Canadian listing.
People - Explore the authors, academics, poets, musicians, artisans, and other individuals that have contributed to Canadian Wiccan culture.
Culture - Canadian Wiccan music, video and film, poetry, publications, websites, and ritual.
Stores - Locate Wiccan related stores across Canada.
Organizations - Find public Wiccan groups and private covens by province or across Canada.

To help promote Canadian Wiccan culture, free web-hosting is offered to Canadian organizations, covens, and individuals. If you would like to have your website hosted at, email myself to discuss the details.

Any suggestions of content can be emailed to myself. Submissions of articles, poetry, people, groups, festivals, stores, and other contributors to Canadian Wicca are welcome.

Call For Action

The push to repeal Canada's last anti-witchcraft law has taken a step forward with the start of a new facebook group and a pre-written letter that can be copy/pasted and then emailed or mailed. Please support this initiative by joining the Facebook group and forwarding it to your friends, as well as taking the time to send a copy of the letter asking that the Federal Government of Canada repeal this antiquated and discriminatory section of Canadian law.

The measurements will vary depending on the size of your pillow, but a standard pillowcase is often around 20 inches wide and 30 inches long. The cuff and accent trim pieces are typically narrower than the main body fabric. Once you have your fabric pieces cut, you will fold the cuff piece in half lengthwise and press it with an iron to create a crease.


October 31, 2013

  • "Kith and Kin (A Samhain Poem)," a new Samhain poem by Greg Currie has been added.
  • Daughters Of The Ancient Moon has been added to the coven listings of St. Johns, Newfoundland.
  • "Beltane Eve," a new song about Beltane by Greg Currie has been added.
  • Arahu Originals, an Ontario-based designer of handcrafted jewelry from Ontario has been added to the Canadian and Ontario shop listings.

February 18, 2011

  • The 2011 schedule of festivals has been updated. Check out the interesting festivals in your area and make sure to register early!

November 12, 2010

  • Merry Meet: The Story of the Kaleidoscope Gathering, a documentary by Francis Perron, has been added for download or live video streaming.
  • Updated links have been included for David Sloma's Toronto Pagan Pride Day 2007 and Hamilton Pagan Pride Day 2006. Video steaming now available.
  • Profile for Congregationalist Wiccan Association of British Columbia added.
  • Added two articles by Sam Wagar, A Short History of the Gathering for Life on Earth and Congregationalist Wiccan Association of British Columbia.
  • From a Spring 2010 informal bardic evening, live-performance recordings of Candle Candle, Lord and Lady, One Day, , Wiccan Mash, and Worn and Torn by Greg Currie.
  • Ubasty Coven, an Ottawa, ON coven added to Ontario listings.
  • Free website hosting for Wiccan organizations and events now opening. Contact myself for more information.
  • Work is underway to allow Canadian Wiccans to add their own local events to a web-based events calendar.
  • Mystic Roots Conference added to the 2010 festival information.

February 22, 2010

  • Pagan Fest and Wild Ginger Witchcamp added to the 2010 festival information.
  • Online Canadian magazine added to Internet resources page.

February 20, 2010

  • 2010 festival information is now updated. Register for your favorite festivals early!
  • Incantations and Craft: Robin Skelton's Magical Artistry by Yvonne Owens

October 30, 2009

  • A blessed Samhain to all! Samhain is a great time to reflect upon the prosperity we enjoy, and our loved ones that have passed on.
  • "One, Then Two" a poem by Greg Currie added.
  • "Passion Flower" a poem by Greg Currie added.
  • Article by Sam Wagar regarding the Pagans For Peace tradition added.
  • "Drawn Down" a poem by Greg Currie added.
  • Updated information for Gaia Gathering
  • Wiccan Church of Canada Toronto and Hamilton Temples added.
  • Happy Canada Day!
  • The Nova Scotia AEGIS festival has been added.
  • "First Degree" by Parnassus - CD review added to the Culture section.
  • Biography of Angela Gallant added
  • Biography of Sam Wager added
  • Two new poems added: "I am a Tree" by Angela Gallant and "Requiem" by Greg Currie
  • Profiles for British Columbia stores, Dreamweaver and The Threads That Bind Us, added.
  • Happy Father's Day and Summer Solstice!
  • Six editions of Pagan's Wake have been added to the Publications section under Culture.
  • Three more poems and an article by Angela Gallant have been added.
  • "The Threads That Bind Us" has been added to the listing of stores in British Columbia.
  • The poetry and music of Angela Gallant has been added to the Culture section.
  • Content added to Articles section
  • Ongoing wonderful correspondence from across Canada, more content to be posted shortly
  • Cleaning up of stray coding/link errors.
  • Added a customized 404 error page.
  • Website recoding completed. This change will allow search engines to actually locate content properly now.
  • Massive coding revamp. Converting from frames to php include format (to go live shortly).
  • Updated graphical content in Organizations and People sections
  • Enjoyable correspondence from across Canada
  • Content added to Articles section.
  • Addtions to People and Culture sections
  • Happy Mother's Day to everyone!
  • More content added to the People, Organizations, and Articles sections.
  • More groups added to Organizations.
  • Internet category added to Culture and populated.
  • Income taxes done, back to work, more biographies and content added.
  • Initial articles added
  • Initial biographies added to the People section
  • More conent added to the Culture and Organizations sections
  • Stores and vendors added to Shops sections
  • Endless tweaks to site art files
  • Forums are online
  • Live news feed online
  • News now sorted by date
  • Organizations area added
  • Culture section added
  • Learned a lesson in compromise and patience in html layout limitations

Legal: All content contained within this website is the intellectual property of it's author(s) and protected under copyright law. Any use of this material must be done with the written permission of the author(s) and be properly accredited to them.

Wicca canada

Happy New Year 2022! It has been quite a while since I posted an update, mostly because it has been a challenging couple of years.

The Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada has been holding steady, working quietly behind the scenes toward achieving charitable status with the Government of Canada. That is still a major focus, and it requires quite a bit of time from our volunteer committee. I am grateful to each of you for your efforts.

I am also happy to share that several of our Ordained clergy members were able to help couples throughout the province celebrate and solemnize their marriages. Life truly does carry on!

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to present obstacles to the ways in which we worship and gather together. We were very lucky to have a platform in place to turn to right from the start, and I am deeply grateful to the members of our public ritual group, the Circle of the Sacred Muse, who embraced the challenge to pivot to presenting rituals, Coffee Cauldrons, and Seeker Classes online.

The theme of 2021 was “Back to Basics”, and we explored the elements, as well as helpful techniques such as grounding, shielding, and how to meditate. Towards the end of 2021, Circle of the Sacred Muse had started to host in person rituals, complete with masks and hand sanitizer. Because we have been accessible to individuals beyond our geographic area, we made the decision to continue offering our rituals online as well as in person.

The theme for 2022 is “Deities Around the World”. We will be learning about and working with Gods and Goddesses from different pantheons and mythologies. Ritual presenters who have established relationships with these deities will share their insights. Rituals are planned to continue in our “hybrid” in person and online manner, though we will monitor and follow Public Health Orders as they are issued.

You will also notice a new link on our website – we have added a Calendar of Events for your reference. You can even subscribe and add it to your own calendar!

I hope 2022 brings you an abundance of love and joy, peace and prosperity, and that you all stay safe and healthy. We look forward to worshiping with you!

With love and blessings in service,
Rt. Rev. Mary Malinski, APS

Magic pillowcasw pattern

Then, you will place the accent trim piece right sides together with the folded cuff piece, aligning the raw edges, and sew along the long edge. Next, you will attach the cuff and accent trim piece to the main body fabric. Lay the main body fabric right side up and place the cuff and accent trim piece on top, aligning the raw edges. Pin them in place and sew along the raw edges, leaving a small opening unsewn for turning. After sewing the raw edges, you will turn the pillowcase right side out through the opening and smooth out any wrinkles. Then, you can press the seams with an iron to create a crisp finish. Finally, sew the opening closed, either by hand or with a machine, and you're done! The magic pillowcase pattern is a great way to add a personal touch to your bedroom decor or create thoughtful handmade gifts. With its hidden seam and polished look, this sewing project is sure to impress. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced sewer, you'll enjoy creating these charming pillowcases using the magic pillowcase pattern..

Reviews for "How to Make a Magic Pillowcase Pattern that Matches Your Décor"

1. John - 1 star - The "Magic Pillowcase Pattern" was a complete disappointment. The instructions were confusing and poorly written, making it extremely difficult to follow. Additionally, the final product did not look anything like the pictures provided. The pattern claimed to be easy, but it was far from it. I wasted my time and money on this pattern, and I would not recommend it to anyone.
2. Sarah - 2 stars - I was excited to try the "Magic Pillowcase Pattern" but ended up feeling frustrated and disappointed. The instructions were not detailed enough, and important steps were left out. I had to search online for additional tutorials just to understand how to complete certain parts of the pattern. The end result did not have the clean and professional look I was hoping for. Overall, I was left unsatisfied with this pattern and would not recommend it to others.
3. Emily - 2 stars - The "Magic Pillowcase Pattern" was not as magical as it claimed to be. The pattern required specific measurements, but the provided measurements were inaccurate. This led to a lot of frustration and wasted fabric. Additionally, the instructions lacked clarity, causing confusion throughout the entire sewing process. The end result was mediocre at best. I expected more from this pattern, and I would not purchase it again.

Make Your Pillows Pop with a Bold and Colorful Magic Pillowcase Pattern

The Art of Creating a Custom Magic Pillowcase Pattern