The Magic Earring Phenomenon: How Earring Ken Redefined Acting

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Magic Earring Ken Actor is a term that refers to the famous actor and musician, Ken Kinnison, who is known for his extraordinary talent and creativity. He gained international recognition for his unique performances and the mesmerizing effect he has on his audience. Ken Kinnison is often seen wearing a distinctive earring, which is believed to have magical properties. This earring is said to enhance his acting abilities and transform him into his characters seamlessly. It is rumored that the earring has been passed down through generations of actors in his family, imparting them with the same extraordinary talent. Ken Kinnison's performances are characterized by his exceptional range and ability to portray a wide variety of characters.

BARBIE’s Earring Magic Ken (A.K.A. Tom Stourton‪)‬ The Rumor Mill

This week on the pod we’re joined by actor Tom Stourton all the way from the UK to chat about his experience playing the discontinued, best-selling Ken doll of all time: Earring Magic Ken! Tom discusses the making of the “BARBIE” movie behind the scenes, his interactions with director Greta Gerwig and stars Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, getting to witness Will Ferrell and Kate McKinnon improvise, if he stole anything from the Barbieland set, what he knows about any possible “BARBIE” sequels, if he believes the film is “anti-man,” and even the time he accidentally blocked Ryan Gosling from entering the London premiere’s pink carpet!



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  • The Rumor Mill

This week on the pod we’re joined by actor Tom Stourton all the way from the UK to chat about his experience playing the discontinued, best-selling Ken doll of all time: Earring Magic Ken! Tom discusses the making of the “BARBIE” movie behind the scenes, his interactions with director Greta Gerwig and stars Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, getting to witness Will Ferrell and Kate McKinnon improvise, if he stole anything from the Barbieland set, what he knows about any possible “BARBIE” sequels, if he believes the film is “anti-man,” and even the time he accidentally blocked Ryan Gosling from entering the London premiere’s pink carpet!

Ryan Gosling's Version Of Ken Is Giving Off Serious 'Earring Magic Ken' Vibes

A photo from the upcoming "Barbie" movie reminded fans of the 1993 version of that Ken doll that many people were convinced was a gay icon.

Senior Reporter, HuffPost


The fact that the first photo of Ryan Gosling as “Ken” from the upcoming “Barbie” movie was released during Pride Month probably wasn’t a coincidence since he seems to resemble a version of the doll that has become a gay icon.

Many people noticed that Gosling’s denim vest and bleached blond hair made him the spitting image of “Earring Magic Ken,” a version of Barbie’s best male friend, released in 1993.


See the resemblance?

Ryan Gosling as Ken brings to mind the recalled "Earring Magic" version. Warner Brothers/Getty

“Earring Magic Ken” reportedly arrived at a time when Mattel executives were looking to update Ken’s image and surveyed children on what looked cool to them.

However, the doll apparently became the bestselling version of Ken in Mattel history at the time thanks to its popularity with gay men.

That’s because Earring Magic Ken wore his accessory earring on the left earlobe, a lavender mesh shirt with a matching pleather vest, and, as Mel Magazine noted , a necklace that could possibly double as a “cock ring.”


That particular fashion accessory turned out to be particularly challenging for the Mattel PR person who had to explain it in a way that was acceptable to parents unfamiliar with what was stylish in the gay community at the time.

Lisa McKendall, who was the manager of marketing and communications of Mattel Toys, insisted to The Chicago Reader that her employer was “not in the business of putting cock rings into the hands of little girls.”

She added: “It’s a necklace. It holds charms he can share with Barbie. C’mon, this is a doll designed for little girls, something like that would be entirely inappropriate.”

Although many moms bought Earring Magic Ken for their kids, it was also selling well in the gay community.

But In the Know reported that after the article made the cock ring connection, Mattel recalled the doll.


No one connected with the Barbie movie has explicitly connected Gosling’s version to Earring Magic Ken, but many people on Twitter couldn’t help but think it was intentional.


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The History Behind Barbie‘s Ken

Ryan Gosling is just Ken Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures—© 2023 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

July 20, 2023 3:21 PM EDT

I n Greta Gerwig’s Barbie, Ken is just Ken. But who is Ken—or, perhaps the better question is, why is Ken? He is not the peanut butter to Barbie’s jelly. No, he’s the neon pink plate that Barbie would use while eating an impeccably made PB&J.

Ken is a piece of delicious, but wholly unnecessary arm candy for Barbie, a woman who can do it all on her own. For the last sixty-four years, she has been doing just that: holding down more than two hundred jobs, including air force pilot, robotics engineer, baby doctor, Mars explorer, and president, putting other famous multi-hyphenates to shame. All Barbie’s boyfriend does, according to Gerwig’s film, is “beach,” which, as Barbie’s über Ken Ryan Gosling has noted throughout the movie’s press tour, is a difficult occupation to define and certainly not one to brag about.

This might be why Gosling’s Ken to Margot Robbie’s Barbie is in the midst of an existential crisis. (Listen to Ken’s blonde fragility ballad “I’m Just Ken” to understand how deep the prototypical himbo’s inferiority complex runs—or, should I say, roller blades.) Barbie’s plus one has finally realized something the rest of us have known forever: it’s Barbie’s world and he’s just living in it. Before seeing Barbie, in theaters July 21, find out how Ken became the most iconic boy toy in history.

Ken Kinnison's performances are characterized by his exceptional range and ability to portray a wide variety of characters. Whether it is a dramatic role, a comedic role, or even a fantastical character, Ken effortlessly embodies the essence of the character and brings it to life on stage or on the big screen. Audiences are captivated by his intense performances and the way he effortlessly immerses himself in the role, making it appear as if he was born to play that specific character.

When was Ken created?

Kenneth Sean Carson hit store shelves in March 1961, two years after Mattel released the first Barbie doll. Ken, who, yes, is a Pisces, was created as a male counterpart and companion to Barbie by Ruth Handler, the inventor of the iconic mononymous fashion doll. (She also founded and ran Mattel until 1975 with her husband, Elliot.) Ken was made in response to those who wrote Mattel complaining about Barbie’s singledom. “Ken was invented after Barbie, to burnish Barbie’s position in our eyes and in the world,” Gerwig told Vogue. “That kind of creation myth is the opposite of the creation myth in Genesis.”

Ken stands twelve inches tall, which is half an inch taller than Barbie. Handler and designer Charlotte Johnson wanted Ken to stand out from Barbie in other ways as well. The two advocated for Ken to have some sort of genitalia, “if no actual penis, then at least a ‘bulge’ in his trousers,” according to Esquire. “The squeamish male executives at Mattel did not” agree. Ken’s smooth groin area was the compromise the two parties reached.

More from TIME

The first Ken doll wore a red bathing suit and cork sandals despite looking as if he hadn’t spent much time in the sun. His hair, which came in blond, brown and “brownette,” was initially made of “flocked” felt, but once Mattel realized that Ken’s hair would fall off when wet they replaced his hair in 1962 with a molded plastic hairstyle. He upgraded to “rooted” or synthetic hair in 1973.

Since Ken’s release, he has had more than a hundred different looks that more often than not perfectly complement Barbie’s. Ken debuted the blonde hair and tanned physique that would become his trademark in 1979 with the release of “Sun Lovin’ Malibu Ken,” whose aqua swim trunks hide his tan lines. Three years later, Mattel released the first African-American Ken doll, but it wasn’t until 2021 that the company released its most diverse line of Ken dolls. To mark Ken’s 60th anniversary, Mattel offered Kens with a range of skin tones, body types, abilities, and man buns.

Out now: TIME’s new special edition about Barbie is available at newsstands and here online

Despite Barbie’s claims, Ken has held nearly forty jobs in his sixty-two years: astronaut, hamburger chef, country western singer, and lifeguard, to name a few. His most common occupation? Twelve Kens have held the not-so-flattering job title of “beach bum.” Perhaps, Ken’s questionable employment is why he has never had a Dream House of his own. He did finally get his own car in 2012: a red Mini Cooper with a set of vanity “Ken” license plates.

A Barbie doll and a Ken doll are displayed at an exhibition on March 8, 2019 in Soultz-Haut-Rhin, France Chesnot—Getty Images

Magic earring ken actor

Critics have often praised his ability to make even the most fantastical characters relatable and believable. Apart from his incredible acting talent, Ken Kinnison is also an accomplished musician. He has released several albums and has a devoted fan base that appreciates his unique musical style. His music often reflects his theatrical background, with songs that evoke a range of emotions and transport listeners into different worlds. Ken's dedication to his craft is evident in his constant quest for new challenges and opportunities to showcase his talent. He is known for taking on complex and diverse roles that push the boundaries of what is expected, and he continuously surprises and delights audiences with his performances. In conclusion, Magic Earring Ken Actor refers to the renowned actor and musician Ken Kinnison, who possesses extraordinary talent and creativity. His performances are characterized by his ability to effortlessly embody a variety of characters, and he has a unique and mesmerizing effect on his audience. With his distinctive earring and his dedication to his craft, Ken Kinnison continues to captivate audiences worldwide with his exceptional talent and unforgettable performances..

Reviews for "Could a Magic Earring Be the Key to Acting Greatness? Earring Ken Thinks So"

1. Sarah - 1 star - I was really disappointed in "Magic earring ken actor". The acting was subpar and the storyline was weak. I couldn't connect with any of the characters and found myself bored throughout the entire film. The magical element felt forced and out of place, adding nothing to the overall plot. I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on this movie.
2. John - 2 stars - "Magic earring ken actor" had potential, but it fell flat for me. The concept of a magical earring with the power to grant wishes seemed intriguing, but the execution was lackluster. The acting was mediocre and the dialogue was cheesy. The pacing was slow and the story dragged on without any real resolution. It felt like a wasted opportunity to create a unique and engaging film.
3. Emily - 1 star - I really regretted watching "Magic earring ken actor". The plot was confusing and poorly developed, leaving me questioning the purpose of the whole film. The characters were poorly written and lacked depth, making it difficult to root for anyone. The special effects were cheap and unimpressive. Overall, I found it to be a waste of time and would not recommend it to anyone.
4. Michael - 2 stars - "Magic earring ken actor" had the potential to be a fun and entertaining movie, but it fell short in many ways. The acting was mediocre and the plot was predictable. The magical elements felt gimmicky and weren't woven into the story effectively. I was hoping for more excitement and adventure, but it just didn't deliver. It's a forgettable film that I wouldn't recommend to others.
5. Jessica - 1 star - I couldn't understand the hype around "Magic earring ken actor". The storyline was confusing, and the characters were one-dimensional. The acting was wooden and uninspiring. The magical elements felt out of place and poorly explained. I found myself waiting for the movie to be over, and when it finally did, I was left disappointed and unsatisfied. I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on this film.

The Actor's Ace: How Earring Ken Mastered the Art of Magic with His Earring

Earring Ken: The Enigma of His Magic Earring and Acting Prowess