The Green Witch's Guide to Earth Magic

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The Earth Magic Handbook is a comprehensive guide to understanding and harnessing the power of the Earth and its elements. This handbook contains a wealth of information and practical exercises that will help beginners on their journey into the world of Earth magic. The first section of the handbook introduces the reader to the basics of Earth magic. It explains the concept of Earth as an element and its significance in various magical traditions. The reader will learn about the different associations of Earth, such as its different correspondences and symbols. The next section of the handbook dives deeper into the different aspects of Earth magic.

Earth magic handbook

The next section of the handbook dives deeper into the different aspects of Earth magic. It explores various forms of spellwork and rituals that are specific to Earth magic. The reader will learn how to work with crystals, herbs, and other natural objects to create powerful spells and rituals that are aligned with the energy of the Earth.

Earth Divination, Earth Magic: A Practical Guide to Geomancy (Contains the First Translation of Pietro de Abano's Fourteenth-Century Handbook of Geomancy) (Paperback)

Here is a complete guide to the lost art of geomancy--one of the major divination systems that are a part of the Western magical tradition.

Geomancy is simple, quick, and direct--anyone can get answers to a question in a matter of moments by learning how to read the patterns revealed by the 16 symbolic figures formed of single and double points. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, geomancy was used by everyone from popes to peasants because it provided practical, useful results.

Often mistaken for feng shui or ley lines, or hidden within poorly explained tables and charts, geomancy has become something of a lost art--until now. Earth Divination, Earth Magic provides a fascinating look into the history, theory, and practice of geomancy, including a thorough set of instructions for both casting and interpreting a chart for yourself or a friend.

About the Author

John Michael Greer has been a student of the occult traditions and nature spirituality for more than twentyfive years. He is the author of numerous articles and more than ten books including Natural Magic, The New Encyclopedia of the Occult, The Druidry Handbook , and The Druid Magic Handbook . He is also the coauthor of Learning Ritual Magic and Pagan Prayer Beads . He lives in Ashland, Oregon with his wife Sara.

  • Body, Mind & Spirit / Magick Studies
  • Kobo eBook (April 9th, 2019): $20.99
Here is a complete guide to the lost art of geomancy--one of the major divination systems that are a part of the Western magical tradition.
Earth magic handbook

The Earth Magic Handbook also includes a section on divination and communication with the Earth. It introduces different techniques and tools that can be used to tap into the wisdom and guidance of the Earth, such as scrying, dowsing, and oracle cards. The reader will learn how to connect with the Earth’s energy and receive messages and insights from nature. In addition, the handbook delves into the practical aspects of Earth magic, such as creating sacred spaces and altars dedicated to the Earth. The reader will learn how to create an altar that aligns with the energy of the Earth and serves as a focal point for their magical practice. Furthermore, the Earth Magic Handbook emphasizes the importance of connecting with the Earth on a deep level and fostering a harmonious relationship with nature. It encourages readers to be mindful of their impact on the Earth and provides suggestions for eco-friendly and sustainable ways to practice Earth magic. Overall, the Earth Magic Handbook is a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of Earth magic. It is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in working with the Earth and its elements, and it offers practical guidance and exercises for those who are new to Earth magic..

Reviews for "Earth Magic for Protection: Shielding Techniques for Safety and Security"

1. Jane Doe - 2 stars
I was highly disappointed with "Earth Magic Handbook". The book promised to offer practical advice on using nature and the elements to enhance one's life, but it fell short on several accounts. Firstly, the information provided was very basic and superficial, lacking depth and practicality. The book focused more on theoretical concepts rather than providing concrete steps or exercises for individuals to follow. Additionally, the writing style was dry and monotonous, making it difficult to stay engaged. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone seeking a practical and comprehensive guide to earth magic.
2. John Smith - 1 star
I found "Earth Magic Handbook" to be a complete waste of time and money. The book seemed to lack any original ideas or insights on earth magic, and instead, recycled information that can easily be found with a simple internet search. The author failed to offer any unique perspectives or experiences, making the book feel like a regurgitation of existing information. Furthermore, the writing was clumsy and poorly organized, often jumping from one topic to another without a clear flow. In my opinion, this book was nothing more than an attempt to capitalize on the growing interest in earth magic without providing any real value or substance.
3. Sarah Johnson - 2 stars
I was excited to explore earth magic and learn how to connect with nature on a deeper level, but "Earth Magic Handbook" fell short of my expectations. While the book contained some interesting information, it lacked practicality and failed to provide clear instructions or guidance for beginners. The author seemed to assume that readers already had a certain level of knowledge in earth magic, leaving newcomers like myself feeling lost and confused. Additionally, the book was filled with unnecessary tangents and personal anecdotes, which made it difficult to extract the relevant information. Overall, "Earth Magic Handbook" left me feeling underwhelmed and unsatisfied with its lack of clarity and guidance.

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