The Haunted Mirror: Unveiling the Curse of Bloody Mary

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The Curse of Bloody Mary is an urban legend that has been passed down through generations. Legend has it that if you dare to say "Bloody Mary" three times in front of a mirror while holding a candle, you will summon the vengeful spirit of a woman named Mary who was brutally murdered. According to the legend, Bloody Mary was a young woman who lived in the 16th century. She was accused of using black magic and was sentenced to death. The townspeople burned her at the stake, and her tormented soul vowed to seek revenge on anyone who summoned her. Many variations of the curse exist, with some claiming that the summoner will be cursed with bad luck or even death.

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Among those names is Jeffrey regular Sarah T Cohen, who s appeared in the likes of Cupid, Witches of Amityville, Medusa Queen of the Serpents, HellKat, Conjuring the Genie and The Legend of Jack and Jill. Stars Chrissie Wunna, Sarah T Cohen, Antonia Whillans, Beatrice Fletcher, Danielle Ronald, Abi Casson Thompson, Clint Gordon, Stephen Staley, Ellis Tustin Written by Sophie Storm K.

Curse of vloody mary

Many variations of the curse exist, with some claiming that the summoner will be cursed with bad luck or even death. Others believe that Bloody Mary will appear in the mirror, covered in blood and intent on causing harm. The legend of Bloody Mary has become a popular game played at sleepovers and parties, where teenagers dare each other to summon the spirit.

Bloody Mary: Forgotten Curse – REVIEW

This review was originally posted on Steam on February 18th, 2019.

Bloody Mary: Forgotten Curse claims to be an open world horror game, which is debatable. Sure, you can explore an open island, but there’s only one objective: find the 7 items. Seem familiar? It is a Slender-like game. Are Slender games usually considered and categorized as open-world? Hum… I was excited at first, as the concept of an open world survival horror game is very interesting to me, but quickly realized there is not much of a player choice in this.

The game starts well, inside a cave, makes you wonder why you are here and where you are but then the problems start. First of all, you are supposed to go down a hole by traversing down to the lower rocks. The problem is, if you jump, you will get fall damage, if you just walk out of the platform, you might still get fall damage. My first death was here, because I jumped on the first one, and just let myself fall on the following ones, but when I reached the ground, I guess I had suffered too much damage. Is this supposed to make the player seem fragile from the get-go? If so, fair enough, it’s not really a big complaint, but it just adds to the list.

Once you are out of the cave, you find a list of items to look for. Here is where Bloody Mary and some weird wavy ghost start stalking you, I think? I say “I think” because all I saw them do was walk around randomly and teleport (sometimes right before my eyes). The store page claims the AI learns from the player but whether it does or not, I wouldn’t know. They didn’t do much else. The store page also claims you can evade them using stealth, but there is no such thing as stealth in this game. The enemies are not really scary, they just make the screen go crazy and follow you around. They’re not hard to get away from, even with the incredibly frustrating running mechanic.

You get tired in about 3 seconds and the screen start shaking violently for a couple more until you can’t run anymore and must recharge your stamina bar. The shaking especially is incredibly annoying, since we’re talking about an island with 8 landmarks to visit, a few minutes away from each other, with nothing at all happening in between. It’s just boring. I don’t know if the shaking was supposed to evoke panic in the player, but if so, it missed the mark by a long shot.

Some of the landmarks look alright, some look terrible, for example: the House and the Fishing Hut look like the exact same 3D model and texture, somewhat scaled into different dimensions. There are almost no details and it just looks extremely ugly. Most of them are also too small to be able to say you can “explore” them. Just walk in, if there’s no obnoxiously huge flashing blue marker (incredible immersion breaker) telling you there is a note or item inside, just leave. Others look better and offer a bit of exploration, like the Church. Even though it’s still very limited and lacking in detail. There are even some invisible walls! You walk between landmarks by following your map and your compass or by following directional signposts scattered around, where you can also save the game (which makes the whole thing incredibly easy, to be honest). There is also no location pointer in the map, which might be my favorite thing about this game.

And the bugs… Some of them are incredible, it’s almost as if the game was not tested at all. Some stairs you can’t climb just by pressing forward, you have to jump. It’s crazy. This happened multiple times in a lot of different stairs and stair models, it’s probably something to do with either the collision of the stairs, the collision of the player, or the way the player physics and movement are programmed. I’ve also been able to go through some models, and even made some of them disappear! For instance: I visited the Pond, and there was this monument in the middle of the pond, with a note. I read the note, there was nothing else there, so I turned back to go look somewhere else. On the way, there are these low branches you go under, but they are very close to your head. I guess when going back something happened between the collision of the player character and the trees because they just disappeared into thin air, and so did the pond and the monument in the middle. Only the note stayed behind, floating in the air.

The jump scares are bad. Just some loud noise (which sometimes cuts off before finishing) and something appearing out of nowhere. Typical easy jump scare which is not scary, just startling and annoying. I am not sure if they are all scripted, but it did seem like it. They also lack any kind of animation. I saw a girl / woman (?) running from one side of a room to the other without moving at all, and saw some ghost jumping from a balcony also without moving. The second one especially was incredibly bad. The ghost model just translated forward and down to the abyss and disappeared while a scream effect sounded and was cut off abruptly. It was actually funny.

As for the “story”, well, you do find some notes here and there, and you have a journal to store them in, but most of it seems to be random and not coherent, but that might just be because, honestly, after the whole experience, I didn’t even try to make sense of them. There is no such a thing as a “narrative” though.

This game is a great example of an unclear store page description that makes the actual game experience worse, because it makes you expect things that are clearly not in the game. If the store page described it exactly as it is: a slender-like game where you must collect X items and avoid Y and/or Z creature, I would probably have just kept on looking through the store.

The game is somewhat inexpensive, so if it seems like the kind of game you would enjoy, go for it.

NOTE: As of February 21st, the Developer has replied to the review. The update mentioned in the reply has not been released as of now, but I will update this note when it is. Here is the reply by Fargamer :

Thank you for a really thorough review. A lot of your points are valid and we’ll be addressing the bugs you’ve pointed out.

We’re putting out an update within the next week which addresses:
– Improved AI
– The running mechanic
– Areas appearing and disappearing

Several people have noted that the description on the store doesn’t fit the game. This will be updated shortly.

Again, thank you for the thorough feedback, it’s appreciated.

Fargamer Studios (through Steam)

NOTE 2: As of March 16th, the store has been updated, but not all issues mentioned in this review have been addressed.

Final Verdict
  • Gameplay - 2.5/10
Officer Stevens
Curse of vloody mary

The goal is to prove that you have enough courage to face the consequences of invoking her name. While the curse of Bloody Mary is considered a mere legend by most, there are those who claim to have had supernatural experiences after summoning her. Rattling doors, eerie voices, and even physical attacks have been reported by some who dared to play the game. Psychologists believe that the curse of Bloody Mary taps into our fear of the unknown and the power of suggestion. When we stand in front of a mirror, our minds can play tricks on us, leading us to see and hear things that aren't really there. Despite the rational explanations, the legend of Bloody Mary continues to intrigue and scare people to this day. It serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us to be careful what we wish for and to consider the consequences of our actions. Whether you believe in the curse of Bloody Mary or not, it is undeniable that the legend has captured the imaginations of people around the world. It has become a part of popular culture, appearing in movies, books, and even video games. So, the next time someone dares you to summon Bloody Mary, think twice before you decide to test the limits of your bravery. After all, you never know what might be lurking in the darkness beyond the mirror..

Reviews for "Ghostly Encounters: Tales of those who have Conjured Bloody Mary"

1. Sarah3456 - 1 star
Curse of Bloody Mary was an absolute waste of time. The storyline was nonexistent and the acting was horrendous. It felt like the filmmakers just threw together a bunch of random scenes without any coherence. The jump scares were cheap and predictable, and there was no real tension or suspense throughout the entire movie. I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone looking for a good horror flick, as it fails on every level.
2. JohnDoe89 - 2 stars
I had high hopes for Curse of Bloody Mary, but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The plot was interesting, but it lacked depth and failed to keep me engaged. The characters were one-dimensional, and their actions often felt forced and unrealistic. The film relied too heavily on jump scares, and they became repetitive and ineffective after a while. Overall, Curse of Bloody Mary is a forgettable horror film that fails to deliver any real scares or thrills.
3. MovieFanatic23 - 1.5 stars
Curse of Bloody Mary was a disappointment in every sense. The acting was cringe-worthy, with stilted dialogue and wooden performances. The plot was incredibly predictable, and there were no real surprises or twists. The special effects were laughable, and the makeup for the Bloody Mary character looked like it was done by a child. Save yourself the time and avoid this film at all costs.
4. HorrorMovieDud - 1 star
I'm a huge fan of horror movies, but Curse of Bloody Mary was a complete letdown. The scares were few and far between, and when they did happen, they were laughably bad. The film lacked any real atmosphere or suspense, and I found myself bored and disinterested throughout. The characters were unlikeable and poorly developed, and I didn't care about their fates at all. Overall, Curse of Bloody Mary is a forgettable and poorly executed horror film that I would not recommend to anyone.

Bloody Mary: A Curse from Beyond the Grave or a Figment of Imagination?

The Curse of Bloody Mary: Exploring the Supernatural Realm