Clorox Oxi Magic: The Ultimate Stain Fighter

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Clorox Oxi Magic is a cleaning product that is designed to remove tough stains and dirt from a variety of surfaces. It is a versatile cleaner that can be used on carpets, upholstery, clothes, and even some hard surfaces. One of the main features of Clorox Oxi Magic is its ability to remove stains. It uses the power of oxygen to break down and lift stains, making it easier to scrub away. This is especially useful for tough stains like red wine, coffee, or pet stains. Another great benefit of Clorox Oxi Magic is its versatility.

“We knew we wanted to be able to continue bringing magic to Pittsburgh, even during these challenging times of social isolation,” says Ruth. “We’ve all seen magic on TV, so we’ve known it is an art form that can play really well to a camera — or, in our case, a webcam. Viewers can expect a personal, close-up experience with some truly incredible magicians – and whatever magic tricks they’ve got up their sleeves, of course.”

If you ve been to Liberty Magic, Ruth is the energetic and charming host who introduces each performer before their show and promises to be a great addition to this series. And while other magicians are often strict about cell phone usage, DeGuzman incorporated them into her show taking audience members phones and guessing their passwords often to their extreme discomfort; was she going to peek at their photos.

Magoc on liberty

Another great benefit of Clorox Oxi Magic is its versatility. It can be used on a wide range of surfaces, including fabrics, carpets, and tile. This makes it a great all-in-one cleaner for your home.

Here's How David Copperfield Made The Statue Of Liberty Disappear

Since magicians began performing for crowds, some tricks have really stood out like Harry Houdini's famous escape from a straight jacket, David Blaine holding his breath underwater for 17 minutes, and David Copperfield making the Statue of Liberty disappear. When the last one happened on live TV in 1983 in front of millions of people watching from home and a couple dozen in person, no one could tell how he made a 310 foot, 225 pound copper statue vanish. Now, however, we finally know.

While Copperfield said he was doing it to show "how precious liberty is and how easily it can be lost," adding, "I can show with magic how we take our freedom for granted," not surprisingly, he didn't actually make the statue disappear.

If you don't want the trick spoiled, don't read on.

So how did he do it? It's all in the set up. In the trick, Copperfield raised a sheet in front of the statue and when he dropped it, Lady Liberty was gone. However, she was actually just hidden behind one of the towers that held the sheet up. David moved the platform everyone was on, using loud music so the audience wouldn't know or feel the shift. The move changed their perspective so that the statue went behind the tower.

In fact, if you watch the radar machine next to David as he is making the statue disappear, you can see a glare appear because at that point, the stage is moving.

As for the radar screen and the empty Statue of Liberty platform - those were just props. The radar was rigged and the magician set up a separate platform with matching lights to make it seem like the statue was gone.

It's all a pretty simple solution, but in 1983, the entire world had no idea how he did it.

Photo: Getty Images

However, Mr. Messado is as much a motivational speaker as a magician. Even more impressive than his tricks are his messages, which resonate with audience members of all ages. Upon arrival, guests are gifted a notebook that serves as a journal from Mr. Messado. Inside are thought-provoking questions that can stimulate an insightful journal entry or a meaningful discussion amongst family members. In addition to the unique keepsake, throughout the 60-minute show, Mr. Messado continuously returns to his core theme of “anything is possible.” He instills in his audience the notion that each of us can accomplish anything we set our minds to, even magic. Still, to reach that end goal, we must practice. “Practice makes improvement, not perfect, because you can always better your best,” Mr. Messado tells us while simultaneously showing us the benefits of practice. He poignantly reminds us that we have four, maybe five, significant events or moments in our lives. Those moments will determine who we will be or the trajectory of our lives.
Clorox oxi magkc

To use Clorox Oxi Magic, you simply mix the powder with water to create a solution. Then, you can apply it directly to the stain or the surface you want to clean. Let it sit for a few minutes to work its magic, then scrub away with a cloth or brush. Rinse thoroughly with water and repeat if necessary. One thing to note is that Clorox Oxi Magic contains bleach, so it is important to follow the safety instructions on the label. It should not be used on wool, silk, or any fabric that is not colorfast. It is also recommended to test the product on a small, inconspicuous area before using it on a larger surface. Overall, Clorox Oxi Magic is a powerful and versatile cleaning product that can help you tackle tough stains and dirt in your home. Its oxygen-based formula and easy-to-use application make it a convenient choice for any cleaning task..

Reviews for "Get Rid of Tough Stains Easily: Clorox Oxi Magic to the Rescue"

1. John - 1/5 stars - I am extremely disappointed with Clorox oxi magic. I bought it hoping to remove some tough stains from my clothes, but it didn't live up to its claims. Even after following the instructions and using hot water, the stains were still very visible. It was a waste of my money, and I would not recommend this product to anyone.
2. Sarah - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for Clorox oxi magic, but it didn't work as well as I expected. I tried using it on my carpets to remove some deep stains, but it barely made a difference. I had to go over the areas multiple times, and even then, the stains were not completely gone. I think there are better stain removers available in the market, so I wouldn't recommend this one.
3. Mark - 2/5 stars - Clorox oxi magic did not work for me at all. I bought it to remove some mildew stains from my bathroom tiles, but it didn't have any effect. I followed the instructions and even left it on for longer than recommended, but the stains remained stubbornly in place. It was a disappointment, and I won't be using this product again.
4. Emily - 1/5 stars - I found Clorox oxi magic to be a complete waste of money. I purchased it to tackle some tough stains on my kitchen countertops, but it didn't live up to its claims. The stains remained, and the product didn't seem to have any effect. I tried using it multiple times, but it just didn't work. I would not recommend this product for any heavy-duty stain removal tasks.
5. Michael - 2/5 stars - I was not impressed with Clorox oxi magic. I bought it to remove some coffee stains from my favorite shirt, but it was not successful. The stains faded slightly, but they were still visible even after using the product multiple times. I was hoping for better results, so I wouldn't recommend it for tough stain removal.

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