The Growth of the Protagonist in Cherry Magic Chapter

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The Cherry Magic chapter is an important part of the Cherry Magic manga series. This chapter continues the story of Adachi, who received the ability to read minds when he accidentally ate a magical cherry. In this chapter, Adachi finds himself struggling with his newfound power and its impact on his relationship with his coworker, Kurosawa. Adachi is unsure of how to navigate this situation, as he feels guilty about invading Kurosawa's privacy by reading his thoughts. Additionally, Adachi is confronted by his own insecurities and fears as he realizes that he has developed romantic feelings for Kurosawa. This realization brings about a new level of complexity to their relationship, as Adachi must now grapple with how to express his feelings without revealing his mind-reading abilities.

Chapter 1

A 30 year old man, Kiyoshi Adachi, explains that because he was a virgin on his 30th birthday, he became able to use magic. He is now able to hear the thoughts of others by touching them or being touched by them. Adachi notes that the power is more of a menace as it means that he can hear things like the many thoughts of people on a crowded train.

The scene jumps to Adachi arriving at his workplace, visibly exhausted from the rush hour train, and letting out a large sigh. Another man asks if something had happened to make Adachi let out such a sigh. Adachi replies that no, it is just that the crowd to get on the elevator is so big, and the man jokes that they could climb the stairs to the 17th floor together,

Adachi introduces this man as his coworker, Kurosawa. Kurosawa is a good looking man who is great at his job and popular with everyone, unlike Adachi who is more of a boring background character.

As Kurosawa greets a woman, Adachi becomes annoyed at his popularity and decides to use his powers to see what Kurosawa is thinking. Adachi hears that Kurosawa is thinking about how lucky he is to meet someone first thing in the morning. He is trying not to stare at the person, but their bed hair is so cute.

Adachi is surprised that Kurosawa has someone he likes at the office and wonders who it could be. While Adachi is busy trying to find a woman on the elevator with bed hair, the elevator moves, and Adachi stumbles but is saved from falling by Kurosawa who brushes up against him. Adachi can hear Kurosawa’s thoughts very clearly now, as Kurosawa is excited to be so close to someone he likes so much.

Adachi is the one with bed hair.

The scene cuts to Adachi agonizing over the fact that he is the object of Kurosawa’s affections and trying to convince himself that everything has just been an illusion in his head. While staring at Kurosawa talking to another coworker, he convinces himself that it must be his imagination that he can read minds and even that Kurosawa is in love with him.

His supervisor calls for him, then, and asks if the documents he had requested from Adachi for Company A were ready yet. Adachi cautiously mentions that he was told that they didn’t need to be ready until the next week, but his supervisor frowns at his reply, so Adachi takes back his comment and admits that it must have been his misunderstanding, with a defeated look on his face.

It is now nighttime, and Adachi is still at the office under a large amount of paperwork. Kurosawa is there, as well, and has bought Adachi a can of coffee. As Kurosawa gives Adachi the can, Adachi can hear his kind thoughts through their contact, complimenting Adachi but also scolding him for not relying on others to help out. Or, rather than others, Kurosawa, himself. Kurosawa offers to help with the work, and Adachi thanks him. Adachi tries to convince himself what he just heard was his imagination, but as he hands Kurosawa some paperwork, he hears Kurosawa’s thoughts again. Kurosawa has discovered that Adachi has a small mole on his neck near his ear and mentally notes how erotic a place that is to have a mole. Adachi jumps at the voice entering his head and once again becomes stressed. Later, he sees that he actually does have a mole in that spot.

Adachi finally realizes that Kurosawa is serious and the thoughts weren’t just his imagination.

The work is now finished, and Kurosawa and Adachi begin making their way out of the office. Kurosawa mentions that they are probably the only two left, and Adachi has a quick moment where he panics about possibly being hit on by Kurosawa and remains a few steps back as they walk out.

It has gotten cold outside, and Adachi lets out a big sneeze. Kurosawa wraps his scarf around Adachi and says he will loan it to him. At the touch, Adachi hears Kurosawa be glad that he brought his scarf today. As he adjusts the scarf on Adachi, Kurosawa mentally notes how bloodshot Adachi’s eyes are from working so hard and how their supervisor pushes too much work on Adachi.

Adachi tries to say how he’s fine, but with a smile, Kurosawa replies that if Adachi catches a cold, it would just mean that more work would be on his plate. Adachi is struck by how kind Kurosawa is and mentally apologizes for even being worried that Kurosawa would jump him.

Adachi thanks Kurosawa for both the scarf as well as helping him with his work. Kurosawa jokingly asks if Adachi would like to pay him back with his body. Adachi makes a strange face, so Kurosawa laughs, calls Adachi a pervert for thinking something strange, and says that he meant that they should go drinking together someday.

As Adachi sweats from that comment, Kurosawa asks him if he’s able to still make the last train. Adachi realizes it has already gone and thinks about the expensive taxi ride home he now has to take. Seeing this, Kurosawa asks him if he wants to stay at his place which is nearby. Adachi mentally panics at the suggestion, not sure if Kurosawa will use the opportunity to take advantage of Adachi, or if Kurosawa really is innocent and is just trying to help him out.

Adachi realizes he can tell what Kurosawa's true plans are by touching him, but as he leans forward to do so, Kurosawa steps out of the way to check a text he has just received, resulting in Adachi falling on his face. Kurosawa looks concerned and asks him if he is alright while offering a hand to pick him up. Adachi hears Kurosawa’s honest concern in his thoughts as he takes Kurosawa’s hand and realizes he was worried for nothing.

After standing back up, Adachi accepts Kurosawa’s offer. At Adachi’s words and while still holding his hand, Kurosawa’s mental images of Adachi in non-work clothes and in a towel after taking a bath rush into Adachi’s head. As they head toward Kurosawa’s apartment, Adachi realizes it is the first time he has seen images, not words, come from other people. Apparently, Kurosawa had too many feelings at once to put into words, so Adachi received the images instead.

This realization brings about a new level of complexity to their relationship, as Adachi must now grapple with how to express his feelings without revealing his mind-reading abilities. Throughout the chapter, there are moments of both humor and vulnerability as Adachi tries to reconcile his feelings and come to terms with his unique ability. The Cherry Magic chapter not only furthers the plot of the manga series but also delves deeper into the emotional journey of its characters, making it a captivating read for fans of the series.

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Cherry magic chapter


Reviews for "Exploring the Importance of Cherry Magic Chapter in the Series"

1. John - 1/5 stars - I really did not enjoy "Cherry Magic Chapter" at all. The story felt repetitive and the characters were one-dimensional. The romance between the main characters was forced and lacked chemistry. Overall, it was a disappointing read and I would not recommend it to others.
2. Sarah - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for "Cherry Magic Chapter" but was ultimately let down. The pacing was incredibly slow and the plot lacked depth. The dialogue felt unnatural and the character development was lacking. While there were some funny moments, they were not enough to save the overall mediocre story.
3. Michael - 2/5 stars - I found "Cherry Magic Chapter" to be quite underwhelming. The concept itself had potential, but the execution fell flat. The main character's internal monologues were repetitive and became tiresome after a while. Furthermore, the supporting characters were not given much depth and felt like caricatures. Overall, it was a forgettable read that I wouldn't recommend.
4. Emily - 1/5 stars - I regret wasting my time on "Cherry Magic Chapter". The story was predictable and lacked any surprises. The romance felt forced, with no genuine connection between the main characters. Additionally, the writing style was amateurish and the dialogue was cringe-worthy. I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for a compelling read.
5. David - 2/5 stars - "Cherry Magic Chapter" was a disappointment for me. The plot had potential but failed to deliver a cohesive story. The pacing was slow, and the story lacked a clear direction. The main characters were unremarkable and their actions felt contrived. Overall, it was an average read at best and I wouldn't recommend it.

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