Getting Rid of Slugs Naturally: Bonide Slug Magic

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Bonide Slug Magic is a product specifically designed to eliminate slugs and snails from gardens, lawns, and other outdoor spaces. Slugs and snails can cause significant damage to plants, leaving behind holes and chewed leaves. Bonide Slug Magic comes in the form of pellets that contain the active ingredient iron phosphate. This ingredient is highly effective in killing slugs and snails while being safe for use around children, pets, and wildlife. The iron phosphate is naturally occurring and breaks down into fertilizer, adding nutrients to the soil. Using Bonide Slug Magic is quite simple.

“I call upon the spirits of the East, and ask you to bless this circle.

For example, guests may be asked to stand in a circle, with one guest at each cardinal point holding incense, a candle, a glass of water, or flowers. Physical symbols for the circle or altar Cups or bowls of water, sea shells or river glass North Symbolizes grounding, homecoming and balance, the earth element, the physical body and its place in the natural world, Jera or Y rune Norse , the color green Physical symbols for the circle or altar Stones, sand, soil, leaves and branches, fruit, herbs, flowers Related Norse Runes for Wedding Altars, Rings, and Invitations - The Full Elder Futhark Alphabet Colorful ribbons like these can be placed at the eastern cardinal point when casting a circle, as a symbol of the air element.

Wiccan celebration circle

Using Bonide Slug Magic is quite simple. The pellets are scattered around the affected area, providing a barrier that slugs and snails must crawl over. Once they come in contact with the pellets, they consume them, which leads to their demise.

How to Cast a Circle for a Pagan Ritual

Patti Wigington is a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal.

Updated on March 14, 2018
Bonide slug magic

The dead slugs and snails will then decompose and add nutrients back into the soil. One of the major advantages of using Bonide Slug Magic is its long-lasting effectiveness. The pellets remain active even after rain or watering, making it a reliable solution for controlling slug and snail infestations. Additionally, Bonide Slug Magic does not leave behind any harmful residues, making it an eco-friendly choice for gardeners. In conclusion, Bonide Slug Magic is a highly effective and eco-friendly option for eliminating slugs and snails from outdoor spaces. Its long-lasting effects, safety around children and pets, and ability to naturally enrich the soil make it a popular choice among gardeners..

Reviews for "Say Goodbye to Slugs with Bonide Slug Magic"

1. Linda - 1 star - Bonide slug magic did not work at all for me. I followed the instructions carefully, applied it to my garden, and waited for the slugs to disappear. However, even after multiple applications, the slugs were still crawling around, damaging my plants. I was very disappointed as I had high hopes for this product. I would not recommend it to others looking for an effective slug control solution.
2. John - 2 stars - I found the Bonide slug magic to be quite ineffective. I applied it to my garden as directed, but it didn't seem to deter the slugs at all. They continued to feast on my plants, leaving behind a trail of destruction. I tried using other methods in conjunction with this product, but it didn't make a noticeable difference. Overall, I was disappointed with the performance of Bonide slug magic and wouldn't purchase it again.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - Bonide slug magic didn't live up to its claims for me. I bought it to combat a slug infestation in my backyard, but it didn't seem to have any significant effect. The slugs were still present, and my plants continued to suffer. I was particularly dissatisfied with the fact that the product didn't provide long-lasting protection. It required frequent reapplication, which made it a hassle to use. I'm still on the lookout for a more effective slug control solution.
4. Mark - 1 star - I had high hopes for Bonide slug magic, but it didn't deliver any noticeable results. I followed the instructions diligently and applied it as directed, but the slugs in my garden seemed unaffected. They continued to munch on my plants, causing significant damage. This product was a waste of my time and money. I would advise others to explore alternative slug control options.

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Bonide Slug Magic: The Ultimate Solution for Slug Control