Create a striking contrast with black magic paving and greenery

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Black magic paving is a term used to describe a type of paving design that incorporates dark or black-colored materials. This style of paving can be used for various purposes, including driveways, walkways, patios, and garden paths. One of the main reasons why black magic paving is popular is because it gives a sleek and modern appearance to outdoor spaces. The dark color of the paving materials can create a striking contrast against the surrounding elements, such as greenery or lighter-colored buildings. This can help to create a visually appealing and cohesive look for the overall landscape design. Another benefit of black magic paving is its ability to absorb heat.

Until 1752, Christians of England and US celebrated the New Year on March 25. “The year begins on 25th day of March”-

The January Kalends a celebratory season that later influenced Christmas served as a celebration of the New Year for several centuries and was when Roman consuls began their terms of office. The January Kalends a celebratory season that later influenced Christmas served as a celebration of the New Year for several centuries and was when Roman consuls began their terms of office.

What is pagan new year caleld

Another benefit of black magic paving is its ability to absorb heat. Dark-colored materials, such as asphalt or black stone, tend to absorb and retain more heat from the sun compared to lighter-colored materials. This can be advantageous in colder climates, as the heat absorbed during the day can help to melt any ice or snow on the surface, reducing the risk of slips and falls.

On a Pagan New Year

Last year on the Patheos Pagan Facebook page I posted a meme on January 1st wishing everyone who likes our page a Happy New Year. A follower there was a bit upset about it because they seemed to believe that celebrating the New Year on January 1 is some sort of Christian tradition, or goes against the idea that there’s an established “Pagan” or “Witch” New Year.

From the Library of Congress, Public Domain Image, Photograph by Carol M. Highsmith

It’s true that many Witches and Pagans celebrate the “New Year” starting on Samhain (somewhere between Oct. 30 and Nov. 1 depending on what tradition you follow), but this is a rather modern development, not an ancient one. The idea first appears in the book Celtic Folklore: Welsh & Manx by Welsh scholar Sir John Rhys (1840-1915) who wrote of early November:

“This is the day when the tenure of land terminates, and when servantmen (sic) go to their places. In other words, it’s the beginning of a new year.” (1)

The truth is, no one really knows what date the Irish-Celts used for the “New Year,” so in that sense, Samhain is as good a guess as any. I’ll admit, that as a society we tend to start and end a whole host of events in the Autumn, so Samhain makes some sense, and I’ll admit that I use this trope in rituals because it’s a familiar one.

For many Pagans, the Winter Solstice is the start of the “Pagan New Year.” Solstices are naturally occurring celestial events, and as the Winter Solstice marks the sun’s “growing stage” on the Wheel of the Year, there’s a certain amount of logic behind the idea. Personally, I’ve always been partial to Imbolc because the renewal begun at Yule tends to show tangible results by early February. (I don’t think there’s much more sunlight noticeable on Dec. 24 than there was on Dec. 21.)

There are a multitude of reasons to consider Ostara the start of the Witches New Year if we are looking at the alternatives. The astrological year begins at the Spring Equinox when the sun enters the constellation of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. For this reason, Persians celebrate their new year on the first day of Spring. Ostara is also traditionally associated with rebirth and new growth, perfect trappings for the new year.

Janus of course. From WikiMedia.

And January 1 is as good as any other date for the start of a New Year from a Pagan perspective too. January 1 as the start of the New Year was established by Julius Caesar who facilitated the creation of the “Julian Calendar” which was first used on January 1 46 BCE. It’s worth noting that Julius Caesar was a pagan, making his date a pagan one. The Julian Calendar worked pretty well for a good long while, before it was adjusted by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. (The Julian Calendar was just a little bit too long, resulting in some skewed dates as the centuries progressed.)

There are other solid Pagan reasons for January 1 as the start of the New Year. The month of January is named after Janus, who was the Roman god of doorways, beginnings, endings, time, and transitions. He certainly sounds like the right type of god to kick off a New Year, and January 1 was said to be sacred to him specifically. The January Kalends (a celebratory season that later influenced Christmas) served as a celebration of the New Year for several centuries and was when Roman consuls began their terms of office. (2) (And if Kalends sounds like calendar to you, you are right! It’s where the modern word calendar comes from.)

Most importantly as a Pagan I celebrate THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR, and since it’s a wheel, it’s a circle, meaning there are no absolute beginnings or endings. Celebrate the New Year when you want, how you want, and where you want. As for me I’ll probably be celebrating on New Year’s Eve because it makes as much sense as any other day.


1. Rhys, John, Manx Folkore & Superstition (originally published as Celtic Folklore: Welsh & Manx in 1901), edited by Stephen Miller, Chiollagh Books, 1994, page 9.

2. Not all Romans, saw January 1 as the start of the New Year, some folks celebrated in March.

The pagans celebrated the New Year on January 1. They called it the festival of Calends. They decorated their houses with wreaths and offered sacrifices to Goddess Juno.
Black majic pavinf

Furthermore, black magic paving is known for its durability and longevity. Dark-colored materials are often made from strong and sturdy materials, such as concrete or asphalt, which can withstand heavy foot traffic, vehicle weight, and adverse weather conditions. This makes black magic paving a practical and long-lasting option for outdoor spaces that require a durable surface. In terms of maintenance, black magic paving is relatively low-maintenance. Regular cleaning, such as sweeping and occasional pressure washing, can help to keep the surface clean and free from debris. Additionally, sealing the surface periodically can help to protect it from stains, fading, and other forms of damage. Overall, black magic paving offers a stylish and practical solution for outdoor paving projects. Its dark color, heat-absorbing properties, strength, and low-maintenance nature make it a popular choice among homeowners and landscapers alike. Whether it's for a driveway, walkway, patio, or garden path, black magic paving can contribute to the overall aesthetic and functionality of outdoor spaces..

Reviews for "Black magic paving: the secret to creating a jaw-dropping entrance"

1. Sarah - 2 stars: I was really disappointed with "Black Magic Paving". The plot was choppy and hard to follow, and I didn't feel a connection to any of the characters. The pacing was also off, with some scenes dragging on while others felt rushed. Overall, it just didn't live up to my expectations and I struggled to stay engaged throughout the book.
2. John - 1 star: I can't even begin to describe how much I disliked "Black Magic Paving". The writing was subpar, filled with clichés and predictable plot twists. The characters were one-dimensional and lacked depth, making it difficult to care about what happened to them. I found myself rolling my eyes multiple times while reading, as the dialogue felt forced and unnatural. This book was a huge disappointment and I would not recommend it to anyone.
3. Emily - 2 stars: I had high hopes for "Black Magic Paving" based on the description, but unfortunately, it fell flat for me. The story started off promising, but quickly became convoluted and confusing. There were too many unnecessary subplots that took away from the main storyline. The ending felt rushed and unsatisfying, leaving me with more questions than answers. This book had potential, but it failed to deliver a captivating and well-executed narrative.
4. Michael - 3 stars: While "Black Magic Paving" had some interesting moments, it failed to consistently hold my attention. The writing style was average at best, and the pacing was inconsistent. There were times when I struggled to stay engaged and others when I was hooked, but these moments were too few and far between. The characters were somewhat likable, but lacked depth and development. Overall, it was an okay read, but not something I would highly recommend.

Enhance the value of your property with black magic paving

Black magic paving: the perfect choice for a modern aesthetic