Enhancing Magical Abilities through Auspicious Day Witchcraft

By admin

Auspicious Daye witchcraft refers to the practice of performing witchcraft on a day deemed to be lucky or fortunate. It combines the elements of witchcraft and the belief in the influence of certain days on the outcome of spells and rituals. In various cultures and traditions, certain days are considered auspicious for performing witchcraft and for harnessing the energy of the universe. These days are often associated with specific celestial events, such as a full moon, new moon, solstice, or equinox. It is believed that the alignment of the planets and the moon's phases can amplify the power of spells and rituals, making them more effective. The concept of auspicious daye witchcraft is not limited to any specific tradition or belief system.

Colour: black and deep purple

Spells and rituals spirit, communication, meditation, psychic attack or defence, locating lost items or missing persons, self-discipline, life, building, doctrine, protection, freedom, elderly, destroying diseases and pests, crystallization, hidden or obscure matters, limitations, and boundaries. For a handfasting, you might want to find the most auspicious time out of a whole year, whereas with an impromptu self-care ritual, you may just want to consider the day of the week or even the hour.

Auspicious daye witchcraft

The concept of auspicious daye witchcraft is not limited to any specific tradition or belief system. It is found in different forms across various cultures and religions. For example, in Wicca, a modern pagan witchcraft practice, the phases of the moon are often associated with the different aspects of the Goddess and the God.

Guide: Finding Auspicious Times with Astrology

I was inspired by u/Curunir_07 and u/fullfux64 ‘s guides so I made one on finding auspicious times with astrology. This method relies mainly on the seven classical planets known to the ancients because they can be seen with the naked eye. It was believed that the light from these planets bathed the Earth in their particular energies. These energies are not distributed evenly across creation, so specific things may have more of one planetary energy than another. This foundational principle can be used in a variety of ways, such as determining spell components or kitchen witchery for example. But these energies were also thought to be distributed across time which will be my focus.

Now depending on your goals, you can look at different increments of time. For a handfasting, you might want to find the most auspicious time out of a whole year, whereas with an impromptu self-care ritual, you may just want to consider the day of the week or even the hour. However, first you need to pick a planet based on your intention. I’m going to continue with the handfasting example. I want to encourage the growth of love and unity, so I pick Venus.

For an auspicious month, we look at the zodiac signs:

Mars – Aries and Scorpio

Venus – Taurus and Libra

Mercury – Gemini and Virgo

Jupiter – Sagittarius and Pisces

Saturn – Capricorn and Aquarius

Venus rules Taurus and Libra, so we’d look at the time periods of April 21st – May 21st and September 23rd – October 22nd. Honestly, I’d just choose based on whether I wanted a spring or fall wedding from here, but you could also consider the quality of the sign. Like if we want to encourage the balance and justice of Libra, we’d pick the later date.

For an auspicious day:

Tuesday – Mars (Tues is from Tyr, Germanic god of war)

Wednesday – Mercury (Wedn = Odin in his wisdom aspect)

Thursday – Jupiter (Thur = Thor as a sky and thunder god)

Friday – Venus (Fri = Freya as goddess of love)

The info in parentheses is a way to remember which planet belongs to which day based on the names of the days of the week in English. If you know the week in a Romance language like French or Spanish, it is pretty clear which day belongs to which planet.

So if we want our handfasting in Libra on Friday in 2021 that gives us the dates of :

Sept 24th, Oct 1st, Oct 8th, Oct 15th, or Oct 22nd

If for some reason, Friday didn’t work, like it had to be Saturday or Sunday because of work schedules, you’d pick the planet that is more aligned with your goals, though generally for a handfasting, Sunday would be the better day.

Once you have the date, you can narrow it down to a specific start time. The sunrise hour starting at 6 am belongs to that day’s planet. So, the sunrise hour on Friday belongs to Venus. After sunrise, each hour is assigned a planet in the order of; Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and repeat. This is called the Chaldean Order. It is the order from slowest to fastest planet across the sky from the point of view of Earth. This will give us the planetary hour of 1 pm for Friday or 2 pm for Sunday as the best time.

There is another way to determine planetary hours instead of the standard hour. There are a few extra steps, but I like it because it reflects the season and location. Where I am for today, the sun rose at 6:15 am and set at 9:02 pm. That’s 14 hrs 47 mins, then I’ll divide it by 12. For here, today, a planetary hour is 1 hr and 14 mins and 6:15 to 7:29 am was the sunrise hour for Mercury.

Finding auspicious times can seem a bit intimidating, but most people already have some knowledge of the symbolism of the zodiac signs and the mythology and associations of the planets which is really the hardest part. The Chaldean Order will become more familiar with use. If you need to figure it out, but can’t look it up, the days of the week are 3 spaces apart in the Chaldean Order. So, starting with Monday going through the days of the week, we have:

Moon (Monday), 2, 3, Mars (Tuesday), 5, 6, Mercury (Wednesday)

Moon, 2, Jupiter (Thusday), Mars, 5, Venus (Friday), Mercury

Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury

Now you have all you need to pick an auspicious time for spells, rituals, or any other witchy activity. I tried to be as clear as possible, but please let me know if somethings too vague or confusing.

Planet: Jupiter
Auspicious daye witchcraft

Performing rituals and casting spells during specific moon phases is believed to enhance their potency. In addition to moon phases, other factors that determine an auspicious day for witchcraft may include the position of the planets, special holidays or festivals, planetary hours, and numerology. These factors are believed to have an influence on the energy of the day and can be used to enhance the power of spells and rituals. Practitioners of auspicious daye witchcraft often carefully plan their rituals and spellcasting based on the astrological and lunar cycles. They may consult astrology charts and lunar calendars to determine the most favorable days and times for their practice. By aligning their intentions and actions with the energy of these auspicious days, practitioners aim to increase the chances of success in their spellcasting and manifestation. It is important to note that the concept of auspicious daye witchcraft may vary among different practitioners and traditions. While some may follow specific guidelines and traditions, others may develop their own methods based on personal experience and intuition. Ultimately, the practice of auspicious daye witchcraft revolves around the belief in the power of timing and the alignment of cosmic forces. It is a way for practitioners to tap into the natural rhythms of the universe and work in harmony with the energetic currents of specific days to manifest their desires and intentions..

Reviews for "Herb Magick on Auspicious Days: A Guide to Successful Witchcraft"

1. Mia - 1 star: I was really disappointed with "Auspicious Daye Witchcraft". The storyline was confusing and it felt like the author was just trying to throw in as many supernatural elements as possible without any real coherence. The characters were poorly developed and lacked depth, making it hard for me to connect with them. Overall, it was a frustrating read and I would not recommend it.
2. Jake - 2 stars: I had high expectations for "Auspicious Daye Witchcraft" based on the positive reviews I read, but I ended up feeling let down. The pacing was extremely slow, and it took forever for the plot to progress. The writing style was also overly descriptive and lacked clarity, making it difficult to follow what was happening. I found myself getting bored and had to force myself to finish the book.
3. Olivia - 1 star: I couldn't stand "Auspicious Daye Witchcraft". The dialogue was unrealistic and forced, making the interactions between the characters cringe-worthy. The plot was predictable and lacked originality, with cliché twists that I saw coming from a mile away. Additionally, the editing was sloppy, with numerous grammatical and spelling errors throughout. I regret wasting my time on this book.
4. Ethan - 2 stars: "Auspicious Daye Witchcraft" had an interesting premise, but unfortunately, it failed to deliver. The world-building was weak, and the magical system was underdeveloped, leaving me feeling confused and disconnected from the story. The author introduced too many concepts without properly explaining them, making it difficult to fully grasp the rules of the witchcraft in this world. I was left unsatisfied and would not recommend this book to others.

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