The Golden Isle's Ascension Ritual: A Gateway to Power or Doom?

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The Ascension Curse of the Golden Isles is a mythological event that is said to have occurred on a distant group of islands known as the Golden Isles. According to the legend, the islands were once a prosperous and flourishing place, inhabited by a powerful civilization. However, the residents of the Golden Isles fell victim to their own ambition and pride, causing them to lose respect for nature and the balance of power. The curse is said to have been inflicted upon them as punishment for their reckless and selfish actions. As a consequence of the curse, the islands were engulfed in darkness, turning once fertile lands into barren wastelands. The civilization that once thrived on the Golden Isles was reduced to ruins, as its people suffered the consequences of their actions.

A smart, sexy YA novel about a boy band star, his first … More

The romance in this book is a tier above and what really made this work for me was the connection our two guys had, realizing that what they each wanted was always right in front of them. So what was especially fun about the story were the fake Twitter threads, the fandom, and the articles of the paparazzi speculating about AB s romantic life, a lot of which was hysterical and made me laugh out loud on several occasions.

The magkc between

The civilization that once thrived on the Golden Isles was reduced to ruins, as its people suffered the consequences of their actions. Legend has it that the curse can only be lifted by a worthy individual who possesses pure intentions and humility. This person, known as the Ascendant, is believed to have the power to restore balance to the islands and free its inhabitants from the curse.

Soulmates, Bandmates, Teammates: The Magic Between by Stephanie Hoyt

Who names their main character AB? AB Cerise?! Every time I saw that name on page, my brain started singing the alphabet and, holy hell, was that annoying. Add to that the fact that Stephanie Hoyt’s style of writing in The Magic Between is … something of an acquired taste and you can probably guess why I had a really hard time warming up to the story. Seriously, I am still not able to pinpoint what exactly it was about the writing that was so off-putting to me but I think it had to do a lot with AB’s name and the feeling that the type of narrator used in the story seemed to fluctuate – while Matthew’s POV felt like it had a very stable third-person narrator, the one in AB’s chapters seemed to randomly switch between just relaying his POV and commenting on it in an off-hand way. I don’t know, but it was weird and something that bugged me until the very end of the book … But more about said book!

The Magic Between is set in a world in which magic is very much real and everyone has some kind of magic. Seriously, everyone has magic in this world, it is simply everywhere and there’s also a legend about how magic can create bonds between people and whatnot. But there’s also a lot of taboo and whatnot around actually showing off your magic and while the author did try to explain not only the kinds of magic that exist but also why there’s this stigma on practicing magic publicly in a very infodumpy intro, I was still left somewhat confused and sceptical. Seriously, why is displaying your magic such a big deal if everyone has it and a bunch of people have to publicly announce what kind of magic they have anyways?

In general, a lot of this book felt like it didn’t really lead anywhere and while most of the things that never got resolved were very minor, they did add up. It made the entire story feel very unpolished and the magical backdrop somewhat unfinished and just that – a backdrop for a fluffy romcom and nothing more. And I think that hurt the romance quite a bit – because there are two integral parts to this: AB’s OCD, his fear of the public knowing about his magic and his resulting refusal to have a relationship and Matthew’s struggle with his sexuality and coming-out as a prominent figure in sports. And while it starts out with AB and his troubles being the focus of the story, they just fade to the back and are kind of replaced by Matthew’s only to then be quietly resolved off-page, basically – there even is a scene about this, which honestly was kind of ironical to read.

All in all, I thought that The Magic Between had a lot of potential – both in the magic world Stephanie Hoyt created and in the amazing supporting characters she wrote – but most of it was just a backdrop to a love story that, while managing to be both sweet and dealing with serious topics, just felt flat at points. In addition to a style of writing that, for me, was sometimes hard to read without being annoyed by it, there were a lot of minor things that seemed underdeveloped and they added up to make the whole story somewhat unsatisfying. This wasn’t a bad book, but I felt like it could really have used a bit more polishing and maybe a clearer focus here and there.

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When I learned that there was a story about magic, hockey players, and an M/M relationship, I was so excited. It was as if this book was written for me!
Ascenion curse of tje golcen islws

The quest to find the Ascendant is said to be a challenging one, requiring the navigation of treacherous terrains, the overcoming of deadly obstacles, and the solving of complex riddles. Only those who possess true wisdom, courage, and compassion are believed to have the potential to become the Ascendant and break the curse. The Ascension Curse of the Golden Isles serves as a cautionary tale, reminding individuals of the importance of living in harmony with nature and respecting the balance of power. It highlights the consequences of greed, arrogance, and disregard for the greater good. Though the curse may be just a myth, it carries with it a powerful message that resonates with people to this day. It serves as a reminder to take responsibility for our actions and strive to live in balance and harmony with our surroundings..

Reviews for "The Ascension Curse and the Balance of Power on the Golden Isle"

1. Sarah - 2/5 - "I was really excited to read 'Ascension Curse of the Golden Islands' as I love adventure novels, but unfortunately, this book fell short for me. The plot was confusing and had too many unnecessary twists and turns that made it difficult to follow. The characters were also underdeveloped, and I couldn't connect with any of them. Additionally, the writing style was bland and lacked depth. Overall, I found this book to be a disappointment and not worth the hype."
2. Mark - 1/5 - "I absolutely hated 'Ascension Curse of the Golden Islands.' The story felt forced and unrealistic, with too many random and unnecessary elements thrown in. The pacing was off, making it a struggle to get through each chapter. The dialogue was cringe-worthy and lacked authenticity. I couldn't find any redeeming qualities in this book and regretted wasting my time on it. I would not recommend it to anyone."
3. Emily - 2/5 - "I had high hopes for 'Ascension Curse of the Golden Islands,' but unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. The world-building was confusing and poorly executed, leaving me feeling lost throughout the story. The characters lacked depth and personality, making it hard to care about their fates. The writing style was mediocre, and the pacing felt disjointed. Overall, I found this book to be forgettable and unsatisfying."

The Ascension Curse's Chosen Ones: Unveiling the Heroes of the Golden Isle

The Mysteries of the Golden Isle: Unraveling the Ascension Curse's Riddles