alex matic

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Friendship is Witchcraft is a popular web series that gained a significant following on YouTube between 2011 and 2013. The series is a parody of the animated television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, created by Lauren Faust. However, Friendship is Witchcraft takes a dark and humorous spin on the beloved children's show. One of the most notable aspects of Friendship is Witchcraft is the original songs that were created for the series. These songs serve as comedic and satirical commentary on certain characters or events from the original My Little Pony series. The songs often feature catchy melodies and clever lyrics that poke fun at the innocent and wholesome themes of the show.

Old mrs witch song

The songs often feature catchy melodies and clever lyrics that poke fun at the innocent and wholesome themes of the show. One example of a popular song from Friendship is Witchcraft is "Gypsy Bard." This song parodies the character Pinkie Pie's cheerful and energetic personality.

Halloween Music Lesson – Old Mother Witch

Would you like additional lessons like this one? If you’re in the Toronto area, Denise is doing 2 workshop days: Sunday, Nov. 5th and Monday, Nov. 6th where she’ll share lessons like this where the students sing, play, read/write, create, listen and move.

REGISTER for Toronto Workshops – Nov. 5 and/or 6th. Participants will get 2 free months subscription to the online site AND will get great lessons to use in your classrooms.

Alex matic

However, in Friendship is Witchcraft, Pinkie Pie is portrayed as a chaotic and somewhat creepy character. The song "Gypsy Bard" reflects this depiction, with lyrics that include lines such as "I'm the type of pony everypony should fear." Another popular song is "It'll Be Okay." This song satirizes the character Twilight Sparkle's frequent breakdowns and overly dramatic reactions to minor problems. The lyrics include lines like "When life makes you frantic, just panic, panic, panic," mocking Twilight Sparkle's tendency to overreact. The songs from Friendship is Witchcraft often showcase the talented musicianship and creativity of the series' creators. The catchy tunes and clever lyrics have contributed to the series' popularity and appeal among its fans. These songs continue to be enjoyed and referenced by fans of the series, even years after the release of the final episode. In conclusion, Friendship is Witchcraft is a web series that gained popularity for its dark and humorous parody of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The original songs created for the series served as comedic commentary on certain characters and events from the original show. These songs, such as "Gypsy Bard" and "It'll Be Okay," feature catchy melodies and clever lyrics that have entertained fans of the series for years..

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alex matic

alex matic