advent callendar

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Celtic paganism is an ancient spiritual tradition that focuses on the worship of various deities and spirits associated with the Celtic peoples of Europe. If you're interested in practicing Celtic paganism, here are some steps you can take to get started: 1. Research: Begin by learning about the history, mythology, and beliefs of the Celtic peoples. Read books, browse online resources, and connect with knowledgeable individuals or communities who can provide insights into the traditions and practices associated with Celtic paganism. 2. Connect with nature: Celtic paganism places a strong emphasis on the natural world.

Witch cith tattoo

Connect with nature: Celtic paganism places a strong emphasis on the natural world. Spend time in nature, observe its cycles, and develop a reverence for the elements, plants, animals, and landscapes. Use this connection to deepen your spiritual practice and sense of connection with the Celtic world.

Tattoo shops in Salem, MA

Happy Monday everyone! I don’t know if it’s because I got myself some fresh ink a little over a week ago or if it’s because I see this question pop up regularly in my Facebook group but today I wanted to chat about tattoo shops in Salem, MA.

Tattoo shops in Salem, MA

Salem is home to many amazing shops. The following is a condensed list of some of your options.

  • The Black Veil Tattoo
  • Witch City Ink
  • Sacred Harp Tattoo
  • Salem Ink Tattoo and Art Gallery
  • Helheim Gallery
  • 9th Realm Gallery
  • Studio 13
  • North Street Tattoo

Now, none of my ink was done in Salem so I cannot personally comment on my experiences with any of the above. However this question is a common one in my Facebook group and the two shops that seem to be recommended the most are The Black Veil and Witch City Ink.

How to choose a tattoo artist

Making a decision on which shop and which artist to go with comes down to a few factors. First, make sure the shop has a good reputation and is clean. Second, do your research on the artists at that shop. One might be good at fine line work and shading, another artist might be amazing at realistic portraits while a third is killer at old school style tattoos. Pick an artist that lines up with the type of tattoo you’re going for and make sure you vibe with that artist.

If you’re planning to get a tattoo in Salem any time during the fall, you will need to book ahead. Many people come into the city and decide to do the same thing, so don’t expect to be able to walk in and get an appointment on the fly. Many shops have wait lists in the fall, especially The Black Veil which books super far out.

Spooky tattoo ideas

If you’re looking for some inspiration, I have an entire board over on Pinterest dedicated to spooky ink ideas. Check it out here.

I hope this information was helpful! Good luck with your new tattoo and have fun.

Recommended reading | You might also like…

  • Countdown to Salem: The Workbook has been updated for 2021
  • Which hotels in Salem, MA are haunted?
We are staffed entirely by friendly, respectful, and professional artists with decades of combined experience who specialize in custom tattooing. Collectively, our team can design and tattoo just about any idea that you may have. We can also utilize our expertise to cover, fix, or redesign older tattoos and turn them into something that you are excited to show off and share.
Advent callendar

3. Honor the deities: Celtic paganism encompasses a pantheon of gods and goddesses, each with their own specific attributes and associations. Take the time to learn about and honor these deities through prayers, rituals, and offerings. You may choose to create an altar or sacred space dedicated to the Celtic gods and goddesses as a focal point for your devotion. 4. Celebrate the wheel of the year: Celtic paganism follows a calendar based on the cycles of nature, known as the wheel of the year. Each of the eight festivals or sabbats, such as Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh, marks a significant point in the agricultural calendar and offers an opportunity to connect with the changing seasons, honor the deities, and perform specific rituals and traditions associated with each festival. 5. Seek community: While practicing Celtic paganism can be a deeply personal and individual spiritual journey, connecting with others who share your interests can be beneficial. Seek out local pagan or Druid groups, attend workshops or gatherings, and engage in discussions with like-minded individuals. Participating in community activities can provide support, guidance, and opportunities to learn and grow in your practice. 6. Experiment and adapt: Celtic paganism is a living and evolving tradition. Feel free to experiment with different rituals, practices, and approaches that resonate with you. Adapt and personalize your practice based on your own experiences, beliefs, and understanding of the Celtic path. 7. Study divination and magic: Celtic paganism often incorporates divination and magical practices. Explore divination methods such as Tarot, Ogham, or scrying, and learn about Celtic magical traditions such as spellcraft, charms, and herbalism. These practices can deepen your spiritual connection and help you work with the energies and forces within the Celtic tradition. Remember that practicing Celtic paganism is a personal journey, and there is no right or wrong way to engage with this ancient tradition. Trust your intuition, follow your heart, and let your connection with the Celtic gods and goddesses guide you on your path..

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advent callendar